Tornado debris turned into bluebird houses

May 2, 2010
Springfield, IL
I wasn't sure where else to post this so I will put it here... mods feel free to move it or delete it if you think it's too far off topic.

Six years ago tonight, Springfield IL was hit by two F-2 tornadoes. Recently I wrote this story for the local newspaper concerning a local man who took lumber from power poles blown over by those tornadoes and turned them into bluebird houses:

I post this because I'm wondering if this might not be a project some interested parties (bird lovers, woodworkers, Scout troops, etc.) could take up in areas hit by more recent tornadoes. In areas where all the trees have been blown away and there is nowhere for songbirds to nest, it might be possible to attract bluebirds, since they like open spaces. Extra houses might also be sold to raise money for tornado relief, nature conservation or some other worthy cause as well.