I voted for Dougs also as it showed a formation, and then a monster sneaking up on him from behind--I am just glad he had a ton of SA and didnt get locked into what was in front of him.
The bank shots of the house are just so cool--What I think of when I watch it is how the wind is blowing one direction, then nearly dead calm before the real opposite direction wind starts, and that bright blue flash of light crossing the side of the house, showing movement of something huge. It makes me think "Something wicked this way comes" eveytime. Whats amazing it the house(?) behind it getting ripped up and then this home,AND someone was inside it and lived!
but I want to hit you with a couple points, that so far I have not heard anyone say much about.
The video from the bus--if you look in front of the bus, the little red cars front end seems to be sucked towards the funnel by about 3 feet--before the bus rolls.
Second I have heard nothing about the little white car that the bus comes up and stops next to--from my SA it seems that car is next to the rear wheels of the bus--I wonder if the bus rolled on top of that car of if maybe the car got blown away?
Last the 2 foot base funnel in from of the van on the highway--it is such a small little suction vortex-yet it does not SUCK the tree out of the ground-rather it twists it off.
I wonder if any of you physics nuts can calculate the torque required to twist a tree trunk to fracture point, the speed of the funnel, and the temperature the tree reaches because of such?
It also appears to be really humid in that tornado shot