Time-waster: TWC WeatherStar emulator

Dan Robinson

My brother sent me this link tonight. This is kind of pointless and takes some time to set up, but pretty cool nonetheless:


It actually downloads NWS data before it runs.
Holy crap -- now THAT is bizarre.

Any idea if the thing can be looped with auto-refreshing data? If so I'd make it my screensaver. As it is, it loops once and quits, which makes it more of a novelty than anything useful.

BTW, I'm moving this into Equipment since it's a weather software item.

Originally posted by rdewey
Considering that I tried installing every .NET framework possible, and it STILL tells me that I don't have the right verson, I guess I'll just have to sit this one out :?

I went to Windows Update and installed the one that came up in the available updates list, and it worked.

I agree with Tim, it would make a nice screensaver if it would loop. Apparently the guy that put this together is still working on it.
Downloaded this, set it up (which takes a little while) and ran it: pure geeky awesomeness. I still can't believe some guy actually took time out of his life to make this, but man, he got everything right, down to the cheesy muzak and the voice-over. Good stuff -- and a fun way to get the weather report.
Just checked and a new version of this has been posted which allows looping. This might actually be kind of cool in a way, you could get an old, slow PC to just have this running somewhere in your office.
I downloaded that out of curiosity. It has no real purpose other than possibly nostalgia.

I apologize for not posting in some time.... life's been kid of rough lately.