Thread problems

Apr 10, 2005
Since the new board has been up and running,I have having an annoying problem.Almost everytime I click on a thread to read it,it drops me to the last post on that page,then I have to scroll back to the top.It's very annoying.Can anyone help?! Thanks Jason
Is this happening on a post you've never viewed before?

For me, from what I can tell, is that it's taking me to the first post that posted since I've last viewed the thread.
Mine doesn't do that. It's a user controllable option. I can't seem to find the option to turn that feature off/on, but I am looking.
Is this happening with every thread? Is this only happening when you click on the "last post" to the right of the forum name on the Stormtrack main forum page? The forum only autoscrolls to the latest post(s) when I click on the "Last Post" link for any of the forums on the main ST forum page. If I go into a subforum, and click the thread title, I'm kept at the top of the thread...
It happens with all the forums I have ever visited, I believe. I'm used to it. BTW, if you want to go to the top, the Home key really helps. ;)

BTW, is it when you click the link from the main page or when you click the link from a forum? Cause if it's the first one then that's normal and that's what I'm talking about here.
It only does that for me when I click on the last post on the right of the page. If I click on the link it takes me to the top of the page.
Also, you must click on the thread title, not the blue down-arrow to the left of the title of thread. If you click on that blue arrow, you'll be autoscrolled to the new posts.
I always click on the thread title and it brings me to the last post. Mabey it is an option I can change?
It's just how vBulletin does it... if you click the link to the thread from the forum home, it will take you to the last post. If you click on the thread when you're IN the forum (when all the threads in that forum are being listed), then it will just take you to the top of the page.
Jason, I have been having the same problem.

Not being used to working on this type of board - I really get disoriented when I click on a thread and it immediately drops my browser to the last post! Especially if it is a new thread and I haven't even read the FIRST post yet.

This seems to happen randomly, too, which is even more annoying. You never know which thread is gonna be OK and which thread is gonna be one of those tricksy ones! :confused:

And here I thought I was going crazy!!!! Does anyone have a fix for this???I don't think I can get used to it.Thanks in advance
And here I thought I was going crazy!!!! Does anyone have a fix for this???I don't think I can get used to it.Thanks in advance

Like I said, it's just how vBulletin works. The only time it goes to the last post is if you click on the thread from the forum homepage. If you are inside the forum (for example, INSIDE "Information Desk") THEN click on the thread, it will not take you to the latest post.
I hate to burst your bubble,but I always click on the forum and look at the threads and then click on a thread and it still does it.Any other ideas?