The Wildest Katrina video that I've seen

Bill Hark

Jan 13, 2004
Richmond Virginia
As with some of the wildest tornado video, one of the best Katrina videos was taken by a non-storm chaser in Slidell. He filmed the storm surge as it flooded his home and the homes of his neighbors. He should have evacuated but stayed. Here is the article on CNN with stills and a video clip.

The video is quite scary and amazing. He is selling the video to raise money since he didn't have flood insurance. I haven't seen any listings for address or contact info to buy the video.

Bill Hark
Your right, that is some great footage. He is lucky to make it out alive when the water was up to the second story of his house.
Is this the same video CNN was boasting about last week? Wolf Blitzer and company were convinced it was some of the most stunning Katrina footage ever seen. They were all excited about their exclusivity to having the video.

Am I missing something? Interesting watching the flood, but that's about it. To be honest, I was really dissapointed.
I think the most interesting part of that video, for me, was just how calm the guy was. He was feeling bad for all his neighbor's belongings as they floated away. I personally would have been scared off my rocker watching the water splash up against my second floor balcony. I hope he raises enough money to fix his house.
Well to be dissappointed, let's just say if that was you in that house how would you feel? basically the way i look at it that guy could of been swept away house and all... :?
Well to be dissappointed, let's just say if that was you in that house how would you feel? basically the way i look at it that guy could of been swept away house and all... :?

I might be out of line here, but I'm guessing he meant "disappointed" as in "wasn't that interesting to begin with", not "damn, the guy lived".
Well to be dissappointed, let's just say if that was you in that house how would you feel? basically the way i look at it that guy could of been swept away house and all... :?

I might be out of line here, but I'm guessing he meant "disappointed" as in "wasn't that interesting to begin with", not "damn, the guy lived".

That's exactly right. CNN was advertising some amazing new footage, and I was looking forward to see a new angle. Maybe an incredible rescue scene, a fast escape, new footage of the levees breeching, etc. While this was certainly video of flooding in Slidell, LA, it was neither amazing or rivetting. I'd say it was rather typical of the video that was shot that day.

Who knows, I just saw the clip on CNN. Maybe they left out the truly unique parts.