Earl Faubion
I'm sending you their cell phone # via PM in a minute. If you have time I bet they'd love to hear from you, maybe you can get together after all.
I just ran into a guy at Dorothys House this past Saturday as well, he was askin all sorts of questions about what we do and also asked what way he should head to avoid the storms, I told him that we were heading west and that should tell him where he can head. It was my first chase in the plains and yes, there does seem to be a great deal of nice people out there.
Dorothy in her little blue gingham dress
This is why we allow some women on the forum. How would we have ever learned that Dorothy wears a gingham dress otherwise?
<<running for cover>>
The supercell that produced on 4/24/2007 in central KS had a strange fella following it. I was parked, watching the meso when this tiny, messed up looking car pulls over right behind me. A "local" looking nice guy walks up and starts talking about the storm, all excited. When the TIV drove by, he excused himself in a hurry and climbed through the driver side window into the car and sped off, following the TIV. Which makes me wonder... it seems like number of the locals would tend to follow the DOW/TIV convoy, once they see them in the neighborhood, guessing they might see some action...