Matt and Jeanette
Jketcham, my partner and I also met this very nice couple at the Love's in Conway. It may have been shortly after they met you because after I explained to them I was not a professional chaser like some of the others who were present they still honored my partner Wayne Hlinicky and I by asking if they could tag along behind us and we agreed. His name is Matt and hers is Jeanette. They were driving the white sedan with CA plates.
They told me they live north of London in the U.K. and have been touring the world for the better part of the last two years. They've recently been to the outback of Australia and to many of the South Pacific islands. They enjoy scuba diving and other activities. They rented the car in CA plus a cell phone and gave me their number so we could stay in touch while driving. They said they spent the previous night in Tucumcari and were headed east at a leisurely pace touring old Route 66 and that their vacation would end on May 16th. They heard on the radio that bad weather might be coming and saw the media vehicles and so forth there at Love's so decided to see what was happening. After the usual admonitions that a somewhat novice chaser such as myself might lead them into something more than they bargained for they said they were still ready to go so how could I refuse? This couple was far too nice to say no to.
We left Conway intending to go to Plainview but as we entered Amarillo the Hereford storm was cranking up nicely so based on my nowcaster's advice we continued west to the Love's just east of Bushland where we watched that storm drop funnels and spit out some nice CG's and suck in all the neighborhood's tumbleweeds and not much else. They were really enjoying it though saying England never got that kind of weather. The storm became rain wrapped after it crossed I-40 so we opted to move further south toward the next storm, which we figured was the reason this one, wasn't getting its act together.
We left and headed for Tulia with Matt staying right behind me, but soon afterwards the tornado was already tearing through that town and based on info from a chaser in Tulia we exited I-27 at 285 and headed east with Matt sticking to me like glue, but at a safe following distance, and me wondering if I was getting him and Jeanette into something more than any of us had bargained for. It was now getting dark and we were on the very edge of an intense storm with poor visibility so I pulled off on an intersecting road and was debating whether to continue east or hold when the OU DOW truck, the TIV and their associated escorts passed us eastbound. So we followed them to Wayside where everyone made a U-turn, then headed west a short distance and stopped. This was shortly before 9pm and for several minutes we watched as lightning intermittently illuminated the tornado that others have already reported as being between Happy and Wayside. At one point Matt walked up to the DOW truck and came back a few minutes later all excited saying that an IMAX film crew had interviewed him. They were also very cognizant of the fact that on their first, and probably only storm chase of their lives, he and Jeanette were able to see a tornado.
The tornado blew power poles across the road blocking any further travel west so everyone made another U-turn and after a delay while the DOW truck repositioned everyone began moving again. DOW and party continued south on 2301 and we continued east to 207 and north to I-40 near Conway where we originally met. After dodging a fresh rockslide in the canyon, debris on 285, and water running across the road in several places south of Claude I was not sure how excited they would be at the conclusion of their adventure but their enthusiasm knew no bounds and as we parted at 11pm they thanked us for our hospitality and said they were going to spend the night in Shamrock. Jeanette gave me their mailing and email addresses and said she'd be in touch after they returned to the U.K.
In spite of the action and adrenalin rush of the chase, meeting them was the real high point of the evening for me. They are the kind of people you love to be around and I felt very honored to have been their unofficial guide for a few hours.
Here's Matt's blog: