The "ON" icon and NHC forecast graphic

Dec 9, 2003
Is it just me, or has the "ON" icon been replaced by a wind forecast prob graphic from Alberto? If you look under the name of a member in their post, you'll see three icons: ON (or OFF), Card, and PM. My browser is showing me an Alberto graphic in place of the ON icon (ON signifying that the member is online and browsing the forum). Is anyone else seeing this?
Is it just me, or has the "ON" icon been replaced by a wind forecast prob graphic from Alberto? If you look under the name of a member in their post, you'll see three icons: ON (or OFF), Card, and PM. My browser is showing me an Alberto graphic in place of the ON icon (ON signifying that the member is online and browsing the forum). Is anyone else seeing this?

I'm not seeing that right now...though I have seen the "go to last post" icon as 4/5 addition to the icons not showing up at all, just hyperlinked words. :blink:
Is it just me, or has the "ON" icon been replaced by a wind forecast prob graphic from Alberto? If you look under the name of a member in their post, you'll see three icons: ON (or OFF), Card, and PM. My browser is showing me an Alberto graphic in place of the ON icon (ON signifying that the member is online and browsing the forum). Is anyone else seeing this?

I’ve had this happen before, only it was everyone's Avatar that was replace with some different graphic from a previous page I had visited. I just shutdown the browser and cleared the cache, and then it worked fine again. Might be some bug in the forum software?
Everything looks normal now... I've had several browser-'cache' issues the past couple of weeks. I rebooted, and everything's back to normal... I had a problem last week (it happened several times), where Firefox would, for whatever reason, replace the contents of a file with another file. In my case, whenever I would look at my main 'layout.css' file, I would see the contents of a javascript file instead. I needed to close Firefox and clear the cache before it would work again (or re-upload the layout.css file, after which time it would work correctly). Crazy Firefox.