Electro-chaser and more...
I just had to add a few more....I've known all of these.
Cheap-chaser: Nowhere to be found (hiding in the bathroom) when it's their turn to pay for the fill up.
Electro-chaser: They or their vehicle have been hit by lightning at least three times
. Best to stay clear of these folks!!
Cameo-chaser: Obsessed with fame
, tries to stand between everyone's tripod and the tornado to get in the shots.
Announcer-chaser: Missed their calling to be in radio. Destroys everyone's audio by repeatedly yelling "
tornado on the ground!!" Talks to his video camera, repeating "yes folks we have a tornado on the ground"...."there is no doubt this tornado is on the ground..........."
Religious-chaser: Known to say it was
God's Will that you missed the tornado.
Too Wired Chaser: Close cousin to the Borg chaser. Obsessed with electronics, has at least 40 antennas on the roof and no less than 30 radios in the vehicle. This chaser is known to have missed numerous touchdowns because they're under the dash trying to fix smoking wires
Panic-chaser: Begs you to take them along, then goes into panic, violently tugging at the door handle as the tornado comes down.
Earthquake-chaser: All their video shakes and moves violently side to side while taping the vortex....which briefly crosses through the frame while they zoom in and out frantically.
Death chaser: A subset of the earthquake chaser, but screams into the camera mic "we're going to die" "Oh Gaud it's too close....." while wildly thrashing the camera. This is done just before rushing the video to a nearby TV station.
Hick Chaser: Leaves your ashtrays full of chewing tobacco spit.