The Many Different Forms of Storm Chasers Today

Dec 10, 2003
Great Plains
I thought I would share the different forms of Chasers I have categorized. It really shows how many different chasers there are in today's chase community. These "titles" are strictly of my own development, and hold absolutely no standardization in the community. I hope you enjoy! What categories, if this was a real system, would you fit into?

VIRGIN CHASER - A prospective chaser in the process of chasing, but has never actually chased. This chaser is in the process of studying, acquiring information, and educating before taking "The Big Leap".

ROOKIE CHASER - A chaser with very little chasing experience, who has only chased between 1 and 10 events. A Virgin Chaser becomes a rookie chaser after his or her first attempt at chasing.

SEASONED CHASER - A chaser who has at the very least least 10 chases or 2 years experience, and has achieved a level of comfort and skill with chases. A seasoned chaser will feel more comfortable with taking responsible risks, and by this time should have a decent portfolio of photos, videos and logs.

VETERAN CHASER - A chaser who has at least 10 years chasing experience, has mature chasing skills and experience, an impressive portfolio of video and photographic media, and high comfort in most chasing scenarios.

GOLDEN CHASER - A chaser who has at least 25 years chasing experience, top ranked chasing skills and experience, an impressive portfolio of video and photographic media, and professional handling with high comfort in most chasing scenarios.

FOUNDING CHASER - one of the first storm chasers. A very rare and elite title, held only be a very select few.

RESEARCH CHASER - a storm chaser with the full intent being research of severe weather, either in a professional or hobbyist manner.

MEDIA CHASER - a storm chaser who works for the media either part or full time.

CELEBRITY CHASER - a storm chaser who has appeared in at least one storm chase related reality show on national broadcast cable television.

LOCAL CHASER - a storm chaser who has voluntarily confined for whatever reason their chase area to within 50 miles or less of their home base location.

PROFESSIONAL CHASER - a full time storm chaser who earns money and makes a living on chasing. Very rare, and very challenging to attain and maintain this chasing title.

SEASONAL CHASER - a storm chaser who chases in the primary chase months of March-June. The rest of the year is down time, unless a significant chase event or outbreak is forecasted.

OBSESSED CHASER - a storm chaser who chases year round any opportunity that exists. Winter to Fall, if it's an event, the Obsessed Chaser is there and on the scene.

TOUR CHASER - a storm chaser who chases with tour groups and leaders.

CHASER EMERITUS - a storm chaser who no longer chases or has moved on to other hobbies and passions.

CHASER PRO TEM - a storm chaser who is taking a break for a season.

BLACK EYE CHASER - a chaser who is shunned by the storm community due to reckless and irresponsible chase tactics and habits.

ALLSUPS CHASER - you don't want to be chasing with this one in the same car ;)
"VICTIM" CHASER - Seems to be a lot of these nowadays. No, they don't chase victims, they are the "victim". You know, the ones that are owed so much by others. Often "known" as the BLACK EYE CHASER.

WANNABE CHASER - Plenty of these too.

PRETEND CHASER - Chases till it no longer pays anything.

INTERNET CHASER - Simply steals the work of others to make it look like they actually chase.

BAD ON GOOD DAYS/GOOD ON BAD DAYS CHASER - This is my personal spot.
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Can't forget the ARM CHAIR CHASER - one who watches an event unfold from the comfort of his/her home and posts on various forums where he/she would be if they were in the field, radar screen shots, and NWS products.
You guys are hilarious! LOL :D

I'm a vet/media/obsessed/seasonal chaser :)
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The Virtual Chaser is another one. Different from the Arm Chair chaser in many regards.
David Wolfson heads up this branch of chasing IMO. All though his serious virtual drinking problem has caused many to turn their back on him this year. David is notorious for having a virtual cooler of Pabst Blue Ribbon as his chase partner. On multiple occasionas this year David was seen throwing virtual beer cans out his car window while chasing (one of which was intentionally thown at my windshield). David was also caught on virtual video with his virtual pants around his ankles and he wasn't relieving himself at the time. He was virtually pointing (beer in the other hand) and yelling at a research team on the side of a crowded highway near Nickerson, Kansas. I'm not one to point these things out usually, but he was virtually hung like a pimple.
disclaimer - In case you aren't familiar with David's virtual chasing, I made all that up. He's not really a drunk.
I can see 2 subtypes of the wannabe chasers: those that intend to chase and are preparing to chase by studying and getting their feet wet by spotting, and those who are just pretending they want to chase.

I can also see SPOTTER CHASERS: those that always report, or try to call in anything they see, and this is just as important to them as getting pics or videos. This cateogry often includes LOCAL and MEDIA chasers.

Then there are also the CHASED CHASERS: those who often put themselves in the wrong spot and wind up being the chasee instead of the chaser! I believe Jeff P. has wound up in this category a couple of times. ;)
I would also add the storm type chasers to the list (self explanitory):

I'd like to nominate a friend of mine as a REVOKED CHASER. We have revoked his chasing "license" as he has not chased since 2000. Oh sure, every year about this time he will say he is in for the spring vacation, but once put-up-or-shut-up time comes, he can never go for whatever reason.

(If you can think of a better name, have at it.)
Since Mikey brings up Virtual Chasers and promotes my expertise and ??? :) I'd suggest there are several types of Virtual Chasers: DIVERTUAL (as in diverticular) and EXTRAVOCATIONAL. The former are often caught with their pants around their ankles and tissue in their hands by the side of a lonely road whereas the latter are caught at work. Both attain a level of personal risk that may well exceed the real activity.

There are also MACHO MAN CHASERS who see nature in (mostly male) graphic anthropomorphic terms and HYPERCHASERS who seriously need several Lorazepam whenever the cap holds or they miss the storm in the next county.
Haha awesome list!

I would consider myself Seasoned/Obsessed...I plan on achieving Golden status one day and hopefully professional, so if anyone doesn't like me sorry I'm here to stay :)
TOWNIE CHASER: Bails out of his house once the sirens go off, heads southwest (regardless of RSM) and looks for the first chaser convergence (which usually is a convergence of other Townies). Drives a Mitsu Eclipse with bald tires and an aftermarket wing and rice kit. Stays at a high spot, still looking southwest, while the meso is 30 mi. downstream.

LEECH CHASER (and I used to be one): Rolls up asking to look at your laptop, to see what is on radar or satellite.
Wow, I'm a veteran....that's wierd.

Well if 10 years is the threshold for veteran, I guess that makes me one....but don't anyone dare call me that....I feel old enough as it is.

Likewise, I wouldn't call anyone a Golden chaser to their face.

I'm also glad someone mentioned hurricane chaser, not be be confused with hurricane hunters, which that term should be reserved for the folks in the planes that fly into tropical systems (IMO). I've come to call myself a hurricane chaser before calling myself a storm chaser....just a reflection of what I'd rather chase.
BORG CHASER: He's got the laptop. He's got the GR LEVEL3. He's got the mobile EVDO wifi router with Wireless G VPN linked to a server farm in the back of his van running GEMPAK. His satellite radar unit keeps chirping that he's approaching a dangerous storm while his laptop GPS broadcasts his postion to the world, even as he tracks his fellow chasers on his scrolling radar map overlay and electronically files geolocationally tagged storm reports through a nationally networked spotting program. You'll see him scanning the Stormtrack forums on his Blackberry at the gas station. Mounted to his auto-deploying hail-cage is a lush carpet of antennas, crowned with a 5 foot tall twirling wireless weather station. When he steps from the car, he brings his wireless webcam with him so the people streaming his chase can come with him. He is a hyper-aware nexus for real-time meteorological information. He is unstoppable. He is the BORG CHASER.