The best lightnings shot of 2008 season: strange, but on November 5.

Jun 26, 2004
Italy/Tornado Alley
I have to say that a good mid level cold air layer is what you need for nice lightnings shots, even if in a enviroment with cold and not too instable air at the ground.
These are two of the very good lightnings I took on November 5th.
The synoptic condition was a short wave trough with nice shear, and not too instable cold ground level air. Mother Nature always give us surprises.


WOW!!! Those are 2 very impressive photos there Andrea. I would be very proud of those if they were taken by me. GOOD JOB!
Great shots, Andrea!

The lightning in those storms were intense, I too got my best lightning shots of 2008 on November 5th as well.



Wow, Andrea, those shots are nothing short of spectacular! I can feel the heat off of those just by looking at them. :-) Nice job with the camera settings and setup to capture such stunning images. Bravo!
Andrea, thanks for posting your incredible lightning photos, totally jealous!!!!!
Wow! Nice pics, Andrea. The exposure, color, and clarity of the foreground city really enhances the overall effect. Very nice images.
Outstanding shots Andrea... your exposure is perfect! The foreground objects are so clear and crisp, it almost looks like a toy city there. Nicely done.
Wow, I'll bet the thunder was impressive too. Great photos. What camera were you using to get photos like that and do you remember the settings?
Andrea, those photos are just simply astounding! Kudos for getting such amazing shots of lighting on film as that is very challenging to do. You can almost feel the radiant energy of the bolt coming from the image.

Nicely, nicely done. ;o)
Thanks a lot for your very nice comments,guys!It's very kind of you!

As far as the settings, Mike, I used a Nikon D60 with 18mm lens, exposition: 20 sec, Aperture:f/9, for the first shot. For the second one I used exposition: 40sec,Aperture: f/9,Lens: 18 mm, ISO:100.
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