Tar Files?

Jun 24, 2004
Tyler, TX
I am trying to download images onto GRlevel2 from 3/22/05 of the storm I filmed in northern MS. I was wondering how you would untar the file? I see this is what you have to do before viewing in the radar program. Thanks for the help and sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum.
If you are using windows, use winzip to unpack the tar archive.

If you are using Unix based system enter this into the command line:
"tar xvf filename.tar"

Hope that helps.
IIRC, the option to untar is available only if you request data from a single date (which, because of archival in UTC, is going to be very seldom for most chase cases.) The work around is simple enough, however. Just make a seperate request for each day.


IIRC, the option to untar is available only if you request data from a single date (which, because of archival in UTC, is going to be very seldom for most chase cases.) The work around is simple enough, however. Just make a seperate request for each day.

That's a good point. I've tried to download multiple days before, and it didn't work very well.

Also, by the way, NOAA has just released a new Level II and III viewer (using a java application) that is free and open to the public. The URL is http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/radar/jnx/index.html

Thanks fo the link Gabe. I have the viewer but forgot the link where others can get it.

It's a great app, but be warned; it is written in Java. But it is no where near being the resource hog that IDV is.

And for you GIS fans and gurus, you can export the data as shapefiles! I've been having a lot of fun with that.

