One thing I am learning is to just stay persistant when it comes to chasing and shooting. I have to remind myself sometimes to just stick around and keep at it. I am saving to get my first DSLR right now. I am done with the IS, it was my first camera. I bought it to learn with, and I have learned alot in the past few months.
The shops you guys did are amazing. It tells me just how important post processing is. That is one thing I need to play around with more. I know I need to at least get CS, I think I can get it for around 150 on ebay. One thing at a time I guess. Another reason I am upgrading the gear, is the S3 does not shoot in raw. And I was just planning to use it for a little while to learn on. The camera might have to wait a little while. I wanted to get my mother something nice this year. Not to mention I have a big family.
Like mike said I am also starting to get burned out on this thread. I will add though that a few people on here Mike being one, have some awesome, I mean phenomenal work. I have seen some pictures that just make my chin drop. And like a few people I try and surround myself with, they are just humble, and kind. They dont think they are better than you. I know some real jerks, that suck and are actually pretty stupid, but they are always better than you. Doesnt matter, just arrogant and foolish. And what makes me laugh, is there work sucks. I am glad I dont think and work like that. If someone has something to improve upon, I will not hesitate to help. Sometimes I get really discouraged by these people, I guess their negativity is contageous. But if their is one thing I have learned from chasing and being in karate its patience, perserverance, and persistance!