Symposium or Storm Chasing??

Mar 22, 2009
Lincoln, NE
Some of you storm chasers may be split between watching the potential storm setup this weekend or attending the 10th Annual Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium and Family Weatherfest. :D

It's being held March 27th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at 3310 Holdrege Street in Lincoln NE. It will be at Hardin Hall on UNL East Campus.

Here's a link to the symposium web site:

I plan to attend the symposium in the morning and watch the weather balloon launch if the weather is good. Hope to see some of you there!
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Some of you storm chasers may be split between watching the potential storm setup this weekend or attending the 10th Annual Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium and Family Weatherfest. :D

It's being held March 27th, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at 3310 Holdrege Street in Lincoln NE. It will be at Hardin Hall on UNL East Campus.

Here's a link to the symposium web site:

I plan to attend the symposium in the morning and watch the weather balloon launch if the weather is good. Hope to see some of you there!

Go to the symposium! Joey Ketcham and I skipped it one year to chase NW KS and busted miserably. I know you will get a chuckle over this Joey if you read this post. I have never been to this event, but I hope those that attend enjoy it.
Go to the symposium! Joey Ketcham and I skipped it one year to chase NW KS and busted miserably. I know you will get a chuckle over this Joey if you read this post. I have never been to this event, but I hope those that attend enjoy it.

LOL. What a day, what a waste. Now I wish we had stuck to the original plan of going. I would go to the Symposium. There will be bigger and better day's to chase.
This would have been a cool thread for a poll. Of course I love polls...sooo, whatever I guess.
Ironically, there was a "chase" on the same day as the symposium last year. The setup was not too far away, in KS/NE. So I went and hung out at the symposium for a while and watched mesoanalysis pages, and left by noon to go chase. Saw a few gustnadoes that day, but nothing too impressive. Overall, if there is any kind of setup at all, i would rather chase it and bust than go to a symposium, just my take on it though. Of course, if the setup this Saturday totally craps out, I already have the day off, so I might as well go hang out. We'll see what happens.
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If it looked good it is a no-brainer for me --- I'd chase. Look, you can learn and read stuff in the journals, preprints of Conferences, and even discussions in the forums.... However, the greater learning experience comes in the actual chase... Personally, I don't think the chase setup looks that good so in this case I'd go to the symposium. If it was a day with a 60 dew point and good shear, I'd go chasing. In this case, teh Gulf is totally hosed over, so moisture is limited. This case is still a no-brainer but in favor of the symposium.
Obviously being basically next door I go each year, more of a family event. Hopefully this year will be a little less eventful, last year I had a IT problem at work and while fixing it in my truck someone robbed the Kwik Shop across the street. Amazingly I saw the guy and where he went, they caught him about 15min later.
I had fun at the Symposium, first I have ever gone. Didn't recognize anyone though. I think i was there from 10 am to 5 pm just walking back and forth from the auditorium and some of the classrooms.

I did learn one thing though... I need to get a HAM radio.
I went last yr. I remember sitting in the auditorium and everyones alarms started going off. Sadly, I wasn't able to go this yr.
It was fun, got a close parking spot and the kids had a GREAT time!

Wish they would have given Sean McMullin a larger room had to stand in the hall most of the time
Symposium Feedback

I attended this year's symposium after a couple of year's absence. I missed out on the fun they had last year when storms fired up in the KS/NE area and tornado warnings were issued. However the morning rains dampened any thoughts of outdoors activities, including the balloon launch. So there was good attendance by all.

Went for a quick early tour of the booths set up on both floors of the building. One thing I noticed was the absence or lack of were "stormchaser" booths. I remembered a few years back, people like the Twister Sisters or Mike Hollingshead had booths set up to sell storm chasing videos, etc. There were more booths set up by organizations or groups, such as American Red Cross or Amateur Radio Club, etc.

I did see one classroom where they were showing storm chase videos and it was packed full of people wishing they were out chasing!! :D

When I left at mid-morning (I wasn't bored, just had things to do), I noticed a table full of kids busy making weather pictures. I stopped at the bookstore and picked up a good book about the Moore OK tornado (cheap $1) and a XL red T-shirt with the CPSWS logo!! :D
Larry, I did not get to meet you (was looking for a guy in a Red hat!), but I did get to meet Scott Bennett from Elkhorn and sat in on Sean McMullin's showing of storm chasing videos in room 141. I also picked up the book about the Moore, OK tornado, very good reading for just $1.00. Talking to Sean it sounds like I missed you by just a few minutes. Perhaps we will run across each other somewhere in South Central Nebraska this summer.