Sweet Sprint deal for storm chasers !

PPC 6700 uses EVDO and can not be detected by sprint cause it dials 777 for data .

Howardforums.com is another great resource along with sprintusers.com
This deal may be dead since the 6700 has been removed from the Sero site .
Our team is supported by Sprint- has been since 2001. The data has improved significantly, especially in the coastal areas (which is great for tropical encounters). My main interest has been upload speeds since sending video clips or even streaming live video is something I have always been interested in. We now can do both using the Sprint cards- either EVDO or the older 1x data. From what I understand, the upload speeds should increase on the EVDO Rev. A which is coming out over the coming months and years. It won't be too long that most storm chasers, whether tornado or hurricane, can stream live video of their work to a website- or to the media. We did this during the 2005 season (not so much this season) and had excellent success. The site, www.hurricanelivenet.com, was set up to allow people to accompany us virtually. We charged an annual subscription fee ($24.95) for unlimited access and had a phenomenal year. Using only the Sprint network, we can also place remotely operated cams out in hurricanes with the laptop, battery, etc. housed in Hardigg's Storm Cases. This allowed us to literally be in several places at the same time- with no danger to us at all. We had some trouble with Katrina- as it washed away our equipment in Gulfport, MS, but the rest of the season was incredible. We share our live feeds with local emergency management, media and first responders at no charge to them. Technology has come a long way and keeps getting better. I have only been to Tornado Alley once- in May 2004- and we used Mobile ThreatNet to track down several tornadoes on that one day. I have never tried using the Sprint card out there as I have not been back since. Perhaps 2007 will allow me to do that if there are some storms to chase. I hope that some of the Plains chasers will look in to streaming their video live as it can reach a huge audience all over the world. It also pays the bills- when there is action. This hurricane season was a dud in that regard- but oh well. Anyhow- whether or not Sprint was one of our sponsors, I would highly recommend using their Sierra EVDO cards- they have literally changed the way my team and I work during hurricanes and we could not have had anywhere near the success we have enjoyed without them. If you ever have an issue with anything technical with your Sprint service, let me know. I have excellent contacts and can pass along issues to them for help. No billing problems please- that's a whole other area....
Okay I have the 6700 phone when rev A rolls out can I just upgrade the firmware on my phone ?

Rev a is only live in 1 city SD
i have one question, with a cingular phone is it possable to teather?:confused: i have a Nokia 6011, and i saw a phone at wal-mart that was designed to be used as a Wireless Modem link as well as a cell sight, would something like this be better? or suld i dump cingular and go for Nextel or Sprint:confused: i'm kinda new to Wireless connectivity useing a laptop
This deal will end 12-30-06
The palm 700WX is now up on the site