strange gel like goo precipitating from clouds in northwest

Feb 8, 2006
Cortland, New York, USA
Hey there guys

I have two questions, unfortunately just as I started typing I forgot one of them, so once I remember what it was, I'll post it. The one I do remember is, has anyone heard of the strange incidents that occured since 1994 sporadically in washington state?. Where it rained gellatian type goo during the passage of storm systems?. It was on unsolved mysteries. After this "goo" fell from the sky alot of people who've come in contact with it have become Ill. It was sent off for study and it was found that the goo contained human white-blood cells and other bacteria. I guess as of late, all samples of this substance has mysteriouslly disappeared. The militry denies any bio-warfare chemical testing.

The last event happened in 1997 according to the website I looked at,
I will post it if you folks say its okay. It just doesn't make sense how a clouds could contain gel type goo and precipitate it. The atmosphere just doesn't work that way as we all know.

I am curious, if any of you people here have heard of this and what
your thoughts are regarding this.

This is not quite severe weather/chase type thread, but something I think
would be an interesting thing to discuss as an oddity of the atmosphere.

... and although these variously reported blobs/filaments are reported to have fallen over whole communities and been analyzed in labs, no one seems to have a picture of them or even agree on their color and texture. Other than some military use of chaff and radio-reflective particles, the whole chemtrail business is pretty short on evidence.

There are a lot of pretty contrail pictures, though....
Re: strange gel like goo precipitating from clouds in northw

Hey there guys

I have two questions, unfortunately just as I started typing I forgot one of them, so once I remember what it was, I'll post it. The one I do remember is, has anyone heard of the strange incidents that occured since 1994 sporadically in washington state?. Where it rained gellatian type goo during the passage of storm systems?. It was on unsolved mysteries. After this "goo" fell from the sky alot of people who've come in contact with it have become Ill. It was sent off for study and it was found that the goo contained human white-blood cells and other bacteria. I guess as of late, all samples of this substance has mysteriouslly disappeared. The militry denies any bio-warfare chemical testing.

The last event happened in 1997 according to the website I looked at,
I will post it if you folks say its okay. It just doesn't make sense how a clouds could contain gel type goo and precipitate it. The atmosphere just doesn't work that way as we all know.

I am curious, if any of you people here have heard of this and what
your thoughts are regarding this.

This is not quite severe weather/chase type thread, but something I think
would be an interesting thing to discuss as an oddity of the atmosphere.


Oh my God! It's Oobleck!!
I'd guess it was somebody (private co?) experimenting with a cloudbusting/weather modification product...rather than a "secret govt experiment". Perhaps for agricultural applications?

In Arizona, chaff has been dropped into clouds and it (supposedly) cuts down on lightning. hey...I take personal offense to that :)
There are reliable sources who've documented the events. There were road patrol officers on duty when this event occured. One fell ill after comming into contact with the substance. Now I did not intend this post to druge up conspiracy or post it as a joke. I wanted to know if anyone here knew of it and/or possibly had any input on what they thought about it.

As for some company trying to alter weather by seeding, may be possible, but I would think that any company that does seeding would need a permit or license to do so?. I highly doubt someone can take a plane and seed clouds without government sanction.

Again, I hope I didn't make a fool of myself by bringing this topic up for serious scrutiny(sp). Again, thankyou folks for the replies.

It's a perfectly valid topic to bring up (we didn't think you were joking).

Some private companies are looking into weather modification applications with certain substances.

Personally, it leaves me a little jiggy. Humans seem to get themselves in trouble when they tamper too much with natural forces (thanks for the killer bees, Brazil). might explain some of the mystery in Washington?
Heeerrrreee's "DYNOMAT"!

Oh yes, Dyno mat - Dyno mat ... Introducing Dyno mat!

It makes my cake rise higher, makes my shampoo give me fluffier hair, and protects us from hurricanes ... Dyno mat rox!!

And then 20 years or so later....

Whales are extinct. Seafood costs $100 a pound because shellfish and fish died / endangered. Super hurricanes (category 5+++) now every day of the year since heat energy was never released the way is was supposed to be the past 20 years because of the Dyno mat slicks laid by "hurricane buster" aircraft in the world's oceans (OOPZ).

Chris C - KG4PJN