Storms of 2xxx DVD - Donation Summary

Apr 29, 2004
Norman, OK
The Storms of 2007 DVD production and sales closed shop on August 31, 2008, and business is now being taken over by the Storms of 2008 DVD production team. We have tallied up our final sales and profits figures. The following amounts were raised for each non-profit organization. Note that this represents 100% of the profits raised.

$1,536.08 Central OK Chapter of the AMS/NWA (COCAMS)
$2,304.14 Heart of OK Chapter of the American Red Cross
$2,304.14 American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
$6,568.69 Greensburg Greentown
$12,713.05 TOTAL

The checks for the Red Cross were presented to the Heart of Oklahoma Chapter officers on 1 October (images of the event).

Our final Greensburg Greentown donation ($3,568.69) is being delivered this week. $3,000.00 was donated in May 2008. An additional $3,100.00 was raised for them from the Storms of 2006 DVD production team and presented in March 2008, for a grand total of $9,668.69 riased for this charity.

In addition, the Storms of 2004 and Storms of 2005 production team raised $16,957.54 for COCAMS and the ARC. That gives a four-year grand total of funds raised for charity of $32,770.59.

Kudos to the 170+ storm chasers and their friends for making this possible!
Greg, thank you very much for posting as I was curious about the amount of money raised by the projects. I had no idea it was that much. Thanks to all the organizers over the years that started and continued the charity project. Hopefully, the Storms of 2008 will also raise a lot of money. I am happy to read some good news for a change. I'm now in a good mood. Thanks again!!!!

Bill Hark
The Storms of 2007 DVD production and sales closed shop on August 31, 2008, and business is now being taken over by the Storms of 2008 DVD production team. We have tallied up our final sales and profits figures. The following amounts were raised for each non-profit organization. Note that this represents 100% of the profits raised.

$1,536.08 Central OK Chapter of the AMS/NWA (COCAMS)
$2,304.14 Heart of OK Chapter of the American Red Cross
$2,304.14 American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund
$6,568.69 Greensburg Greentown
$12,713.05 TOTAL

The checks for the Red Cross were presented to the Heart of Oklahoma Chapter officers on 1 October (images of the event).

Our final Greensburg Greentown donation ($3,568.69) is being delivered this week. $3,000.00 was donated in May 2008. An additional $3,100.00 was raised for them from the Storms of 2006 DVD production team and presented in March 2008, for a grand total of $9,668.69 riased for this charity.

In addition, the Storms of 2004 and Storms of 2005 production team raised $16,957.54 for COCAMS and the ARC. That gives a four-year grand total of funds raised for charity of $32,770.59.

Kudos to the 170+ storm chasers and their friends for making this possible!

This is great news! Thanks to all those who volunteered their time and energy to the Storm of ... projects. It makes me proud to be a storm chaser to know that we're raising money for communities directly affected by severe weather.

Just a quick question: How is the charity money given to COCAMS used? The money going to the Red Cross, etc seems justified, but if charity money is going to a chapter of the AMS for their social events, I don't know that I would deem that a charitable donation. I know the AMS participates in hazardous weather awareness and it may be sending this money to communities affected by severe weather. Many of you are no doubt memebers of COCAMS, maybe you can provide some insight? I don't mean to offend anyone, but if this money is going to a social organization rather than an area that desperately needs funds for reparations, I don't know that I would support it.
Just a quick question: How is the charity money given to COCAMS used? The money going to the Red Cross, etc seems justified, but if charity money is going to a chapter of the AMS for their social events, I don't know that I would deem that a charitable donation. I know the AMS participates in hazardous weather awareness and it may be sending this money to communities affected by severe weather. Many of you are no doubt memebers of COCAMS, maybe you can provide some insight? I don't mean to offend anyone, but if this money is going to a social organization rather than an area that desperately needs funds for reparations, I don't know that I would support it.

Some of the funds have been used to help sponsor the National Severe Weather Workshop. Also, you could consider that some of the
regular activities (e.g. meetings which often discuss the latest severe weather forecasting and technology, science fairs, collaborations with students, etc.) act to foster a spirit of professional growth and public outreach that will indirectly aide storm victims down the line. Also bear in mind that COCAMS assumed the financial risk by footing the wholesale cost of the production without any guarantee that profits could be made. So, in essence, they played large role in making the project succeed.

But a large portion of the funds have yet to be spent. One idea tha
t had been batted around was to help sponsor the travel costs for a contingent of Habitat For Humanity volunteers to Greensburg or some other storm damaged community. Since I am not a COCAMS officer, I can only make suggestions that would have to be voted on by the membership. But I agree that the money should be put to use in ways that provide meaningful outreach to storm victims. I will raise this issue again at the next regular COCAMS meeting which I can attend.
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Wow, that is a large amount of money for simply selling DVD's! It would be nice if 2008 sales were to top 2007. 07 was such a big season with Greensburg in there though. It would be sad if profits fell due to the lack of a Greensburg type catastrophe occuring in 2008.
Wow, that is a large amount of money for simply selling DVD's! It would be nice if 2008 sales were to top 2007. 07 was such a big season with Greensburg in there though. It would be sad if profits fell due to the lack of a Greensburg type catastrophe occuring in 2008.

With all due respect Brandon, I believe the people of Parkersburg, Iowa would beg to differ with your assessment of a "lack of a Greensburg type catastrophe" last year. Even though a lot of chasers were not there, this town did suffer the same way Greensburg did with many losing lives. Half of the town was wiped out including an entire high school. Lets not forget them...

Thank you,

With all due respect Brandon, I believe the people of Parkersburg, Iowa would beg to differ with your assessment of a "lack of a Greensburg type catastrophe" last year. Even though a lot of chasers were not there, this town did suffer the same way Greensburg did with many losing lives. Half of the town was wiped out including an entire high school. Lets not forget them...

Thank you,


Ben has an interesting point though I understand Brandon's concern. Greensburg certainly had a lot more attention. This is actually an interesting subject that deserves a different thread and I will start one. This should keep the comments focused on the Storms of series.

Bill Hark
In actuality, I think we've had several more "big" events in 2008 than in 2007. I'm almost 27, and you know how the memory fades with age, so I might be wrong. There were a lot of far reaching events this year. The Midwest floods and the gas aftermath of Ike are two that spring to mind.
The Storms Project is EXACTLY what I love about our community. I just watched 2007 last night again... As a media producer, I think it's an outstanding collection and documentation of the year. Good job to all for the amount of work and the amount of funds raised!!

Perhaps you should consider just giving solely to an organization like the American Red Cross, they help a wide range of demographics, have numerous layers of outreach programs and the money raised will have the best possibility of assisting those affected by the very storms we document and warn about.

You could easily flag the donations for a specific fund or just donate to the general relief fund. ARC has been tapped out this year and our donation will be much appreciated. The problem with donating to the other groups is just what is happening. If you solely concentrate on the ARC any suggestion of conflicts could easily avoided and the accounting would be much simpler!

I deal with this type of issue a lot in my line of work, please PM me if you would like to discuss further. I would be glad to help with the 2008 project.
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You are right Ben. I am sorry, I forgot about the Parkersburg, Iowa event. I guess I am like Chris. The memory is going with age. It seems like the more I chase, the more I forget dates and events. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.