Storms of 2006 - Charity DVD

Feb 22, 2004
Golden, CO
Time to get the ball rolling on this years installment of the popular "Storms of ..." series - “Storms of 2006 – Storm Chasers Helping Those In Need” Charity DVD – we need Co-Producers and Contributors:

Last year, Jim LaDue and Greg Stumpf, along with their co-producers, brought you the “Storms of 2005” DVD, the most unique compilation of storm chasers’ video of the 2005 storm season. This 107 minute DVD production consisted of nine chapters of some of the most memorable storm events of 2005 including the historic and devastating hurricane Katrina. The DVD was sold as a charitable fundraiser, with proceeds benefiting the American Red Cross efforts to help victims of the natural disasters in 2005, including the devastating hurricanes Katrina and Rita. All profits from the sales of the DVD were donated to charity

This year Verne Carlson under the special direction of Greg Stumpf and Jim LaDue, will work to produce a “Storms of 2006” DVD. As like last year, all profits for the sale of the DVD will be donated to charity, primarily to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund to aid victims of natural disasters.

2006 was a frustrating year for chasers with the traditional May-June season being sporatic at best. The year had started out with record numbers of tornadoes in March and April in areas not traditionally chased in MO and TN. Chasers then saw the ‘ridge of death’ largely kill off the May-June season in tornado alley. Many chasers then got great opportunities in August and September in the northern plains. Because of the late season activity we are slightly behind last year’s production schedule. There were still a number of great chase days and storm events!

We are going to develop a DVD in which the "Storms of 2006" will be the focus. We plan to develop different "chapters" focusing on some of the more noteworthy storm events of the 2006 storm season. Each chapter will include some "set-up" information, including synoptic/mesoscale maps, radar/satellite loops, and storm verification information. Then, the remainder of the chapter will be a semi-chronological replay of video and digital stills of the event, with interlaced submissions from multiple chasers. The “Storms of 2006” DVD will possibly be shown at weather conferences to be announced at a later time.

This announcement is the official solicitation for co-producers to manage and produce individual chapters. As like last year, involvement is 100% for charity, and therefore we will not be compensating anyone for their costs.

Deadline for co-producer signup is no later than Friday 13 October, 2006. We are looking for video submissions and original audio/artwork from the chasing community. If you cannot be a co-producer but have the desire to help out in the content area – please PM me! We hope to have the DVD produced and on the market sometime in late November 2006.

Deadline for chapter completion to me is no later than Monday 30 October, 2006.

The following list includes the events from 2006 that we would like to highlight on this DVD. This list is by no means the final list. If you have another event that I have overlooked and would like to be a chapter co-producer for it, please let me know!


Voice overs - John Diel(AC)
Introduction animation - Eric Carlson(CC)
John Wetter - Radar visualizations(VC)
Mike Hollingshead - DVD cover and website artwork photos(CC)
David Helpling - audio/music score(AC) click here for his website
Eddie Natenberg - audio/music score(AC) click here for downloads
Nov 12 Hospers, IA Tornadoes (2005 Bonus chapter) - Eric Whitehill(CP), Mike Hollingshead(VC)
Nov 27 KS Tornadoes (2005 Bonus chapter) - Dick McGowan and Darin Brunin(CPs), Joseph Tyree(VC), Brian Stertz(VC), Rich Thies(VC), Justin Teague(VC), Scott Currens(VC)
Mar 12 Missouri Tornado Outbreak - Mickey Ptak(CP), Shawna Helt(VC), Jeff Smith(VC), Scott Olson(VC), Scott Currens(VC), Mike Hollingshead(VC), Lisa Wadlow(CC), John Diel(AC)
Apr 06 Hanover, KS Tornadoes - Doug Kiesling (CP), Shawna Helt(VC), Fred Plowman(VC), Jon Davies(VC)
Apr 15 Beatrice, NE Tornado - Mickey Ptak(CP), Kurt Silvey(VC), Dustin Wilcox(VC), Chad Lawson(VC), Dick McGowan(VC), Fred Plowman(VC), Scott Currens(VC), Shane Adams(VC), John Diel(AC)
Apr 24 El Reno/Randlett OK Tornadoes – Robin Tanamachi (CP, VC), Greg Stumpf (CP, VC, AC), Jim LaDue (VC), Bobby Prentice (VC), Jeff Snyder (VC), Gary England - KWTV-TV (VC), Travis Smith (CC)
May 05 TX Tornadoes and Hail - Tony Laubach (CP), Amos Magliocco (VC), Scott Eubanks(VC), Eric Nguyen(VC), Dani Garza(AC)
May 07 Scott/Garden City, KS Tornadoes – Verne Carlson (CP), Michael Carlson (VC), Joshua Jans(VC), Allan Detrich(VC), Chris Howell(VC)
Aug 24 SD/MN Tornadoes - Scott Olson (CP), Jon Merage(VC), Bill Doms(VC), Aaron Kennedy(VC), Andy Fischer(VC), Joshua Jans(VC), Simon Brewer(VC)
Sep 16 SD/MN Tornadoes - Chris Collura(CP), Michael O'Keefe (VC), Bill Doms(VC), Verne Carlson (VC), Michael Carlson (VC), Brian Stertz(VC), Rich Thies(VC), Pete McConnell(VC), Scott Currens(VC), Chris White(VC)

Financial Contributors - Matthew Carman, Bill Hark

VC= Video Contributor
AC= Audio Contributor
CC= Content Contributor

John Diel has graciously volunteered to do voice over work, audio mixing, and sound effects - if you want to have him help out in your chapter please PM him.
John Wetter has also offered up any radar visualization help for any of the chapters. He has GRlevel2AE and can get that data for us - please PM him.

Remember, 100% of the profits will be donated to charity. We hope that you can participate for this honorable cause. Please PM me if you are interested in participating at any level! :)

Proudly display your involvement in this project by downloading and using this Avatar!


Link to our site with this banner!

Verne Carlson
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04/06/2006 Tornadoes

Looking for any and all footage from 04/06 High Risk chase day. Please email me ASAP if you have footage of the tornadoes from that day and would like to be part of this project. I have a lot of footage from that day but I want to cover all the chasers in a real time time line. Then once the final rough edit is done, add in your VO to the project telling your story.

Deadline for this is 10/14 to be able to edit everything and get it back to Verne.

Doug, I have footage from April 6th, but not of the Hanover tornado. There was one another tornado south of Clay Center that we have.

Verne, Darin and I could do the November 27th day, if you need someone.

We also have footage from the September 16th, and March 12th events also. (As well as some structure shots of the beatrice tornado)
Excellent everyone, keep those offers for production and content coming. I'll update the list above as dates fill in.
August 24th: If you have video/pictures from either the Nicollett supercell or the Huron supercell, please get in touch with me. Secure ftp transfer can be arranged or you can mail a DV tape.

Deadline is Friday October 13th for submissions.
PM me for details, thanks!
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Doug, I have footage from April 6th, but not of the Hanover tornado. There was one another tornado south of Clay Center that we have.

yep, I want all the footage from that day of all the tornado video. I want to do some tricked out editing where it is all in a time line of events like the show 24. Kind of like how I edited the Hurricane Charley DVD with all 7 cameras to give the viewer the fly on the wall look.

If anyone has footage, the more the better, edit all the video down to 4:3 or 16x9 standard def and export it to mini dv. Ship it off to me.

Doug Kiesling
PO Box 17331
Minneapolis, MN 55417

As soon as I get the tapes, I'll get the paperwork Verne needs to include the video in the project to you.
Hi everyone,
This is a chance for anyone who is talented at graphics design to show off thier stuff.

I'd like to put out the request for creation of a background graphic for our project.

It should meet the following requirements:
1) Have a look and feel that builds on last years design of clouds (Hurricane eye) and tornado in the distance.
2) Subdued colors, whites/light blues, etc that text can be easily placed upon.
3) Meteorlogical theme, surface map, compass, radar images, etc.
4) High Resolution so that it can be cut down into DvD cover, banner ad, DVD print, etc.

If anyone is interested please PM me.
Since this is a charity project we can not compensate you for your time or expenses but your name will be prominantly featured on the corner of the cover of the DVD.
I am sure you know but November 12 Iowa outbreak was in 2005 not in 2006. Just wondering why you added that in?
Hi Matthew,
Good question - We are including late season 2005 events that occured after production of the "Storms of 2005" as 'bonus' footage. This way we can cover events in Oct, Nov and Dec each year. thanks
Thanks for answering my question. I would love to see the Iowa event on the dvd I remeber that event so well watching it on tv.
If Mickey needs any additional footage, I'm in for Beatrice. Of course we were six feet apart so he probably won't LOL.

I've got other video available from 2006, but because nobody else saw any of it, I doubt it'd be enough to make a chapter :D
March 12 2006 Video Request

Hello Everyone,

I am searching for video from March 12 2006. If you have any video or still images of this date please PM as soon as possible. Furthermore if you know of anyone who has video please let me know also.


Hi Scott,
Anyone wanting to contribute should contact the (CP) person in the original post. If you can PM me your email addr I'll send you the submitter's guidlelines. Let me also know if you want to Co-Produce a chapter too!
thanks in advance for contributing!