
What kind of a price are you asking for the software? Because if it's reasonable, I might be able to scrape enough money together by early May to buy the software. If it's reasonably priced I'll buy the software, get a decent PDA and buy a Cingular data plan. If I could put the whole thing together for under $700, I would definitely do it. A lot cheaper to put this together than to buy either version outright or a program like ThreatNet and a lot more portable, that's for sure! 8)

We charge $500 for the software, but please call us to make sure your PDA will run it properly.

I also understand we are getting some refurbished PDA's (with GPS-built in) with two-year warranties that would allow us to sell an entire package for around $750. Please don't hold me to this because I am on the road for business don't have the full details.

I will be back in the office Thursday or you may call Cynthia. Mention the refurbished PDA's.

Thanks for the interest.
