Storm Safari

Just when I thought I had seen it all.....

Please be sure to take a look at the photo galleries. Anybody see any photos that look familiar???

Jeesh . . . just how ridiculous will some of these tours get in trying to attract people and their money.

I have to question the validity of this vehicle though simply because anybody with a brain can tell that all the equipment and lettering are merely the results of photoshop. I wouldn't be surprised if there's some version of it around though.

There are however a couple of things I'm sure of regarding this. First, I hope the powers that be at Storm Safari have accounted for the extreme diesel prices and the amount of fuel consumption in their tour prices if they actually plan to make any money. Second, I don't think I'd enjoy being inside that big of a sail when driving into an RFD. :shock:

I'd like to see what a 90+mph RFD could do to a vehicle with that large of a profile.... then they don't have to worry about debris because they are embedded as a piece of it within the flow. :shock:

Please be sure to take a look at the photo galleries. Anybody see any photos that look familiar???

For one thing, they put those fake photos of hurricane Isabel up; but what the hell is this?
[Broken External Image]:

Hey Thomas!

That picture looks like a poster of some sort... just under the pic it says "Comme un ouragan" wich translates to: "Like a Hurricane"

It's not a genuine pic for sure, well not from them at least!...
I've never heard of any of those guys. Now that doesn't mean they aren't legit, but I'm betting I don't know ANY chaser who has heard of these guys. Maybe it's TRADD trying on a new suit.

The pic on the "tornado gallery" button looks like Mike Hollingshead's JUne 9, 2003 Stuart, NE image. Those Mulvane/Rock images could be anyone's, there were so many of us around that storm. I somehow doubt they belong to anyone on SS's staff. It's pretty sad when they take two tornadoes and make a 30-image gallery out of them, thinking people won't notice. Hell, that's ONE tornado day, lol. I know if I'm looking to sink a few large into a storm chase tour, I better damn well see a plethora of different tornadoes, not a sequence of two.

If I see THAT thing out there next year I may just have to stop just to see if it's real and not a hologram. Be a helluva fun way to spend a bust day. These guys make the Dryer Guy look like Stephen Hawking.
Just a thought- think back to Twister- a brightly coloured version of the bus in the film :p
Is this company for real? Look at that phony chase vehicle pic on the front page. That's the last place I'd want to be in a storm. Reminds me of a mobile home.
Is this company for real? Look at that phony chase vehicle pic on the front page. That's the last place I'd want to be in a storm. Reminds me of a mobile home.

That is a short school bus, converted. Not my idea of a chase vehicle, but then again who am I to judge.... :D

Shane, thanks for answering my question. Pretty much the answer I expected to get. There are too many on this board that prowl the plains every year not to miss someone(s) with 20+ years experience. Too many connections y'all have out there.
When you consider the overal futility of this endeavor and their hologram chase vehicle, I have the perfect name for the company:

I'd like to see what a 90+mph RFD could do to a vehicle with that large of a profile.... then they don't have to worry about debris because they are embedded as a piece of it within the flow. :shock: this...

Storm Safari, Inc., uses specially converted 29 passenger school buses for its chase vehicles. Each Storm Safari chase vehicle is built tough to withstand an adventure into the most dangerous weather in the world.
So the 'special' school busses are their chase vehicles (like someone mentioned...its like Twister) [/quote]

the chase vehicle is equipped with an internal roll cage for passenger safety in the unlikely event that the bus rolls over in extreme high winds. Storm Safari, Inc., strives to provide maximum safety.
Its not the modifications they impliment that make me laugh... its their word choice, coupled with Aaron's quote. Its just something about picturing a minibus go rollin on by that makes me chuckle.
Some of those pics look like Eric Nguyens. I shot him an email with the link so he can check them out.

It never fails to amaze me that a storm chase tour companys continue to pop up composed of people that nobody has ever heard of.