• After witnessing the continued decrease of involvement in the SpotterNetwork staff in serving SN members with troubleshooting issues recently, I have unilaterally decided to terminate the relationship between SpotterNetwork's support and Stormtrack. I have witnessed multiple users unable to receive support weeks after initiating help threads on the forum. I find this lack of response from SpotterNetwork officials disappointing and a failure to hold up their end of the agreement that was made years ago, before I took over management of this site. In my opinion, having Stormtrack users sit and wait for so long to receive help on SpotterNetwork issues on the Stormtrack forums reflects poorly not only on SpotterNetwork, but on Stormtrack and (by association) me as well. Since the issue has not been satisfactorily addressed, I no longer wish for the Stormtrack forum to be associated with SpotterNetwork.

    I apologize to those who continue to have issues with the service and continue to see their issues left unaddressed. Please understand that the connection between ST and SN was put in place long before I had any say over it. But now that I am the "captain of this ship," it is within my right (nay, duty) to make adjustments as I see necessary. Ending this relationship is such an adjustment.

    For those who continue to need help, I recommend navigating a web browswer to SpotterNetwork's About page, and seeking the individuals listed on that page for all further inquiries about SpotterNetwork.

    From this moment forward, the SpotterNetwork sub-forum has been hidden/deleted and there will be no assurance that any SpotterNetwork issues brought up in any of Stormtrack's other sub-forums will be addressed. Do not rely on Stormtrack for help with SpotterNetwork issues.

    Sincerely, Jeff D.

Storm Chasing Video Game

Not to be pessimistic about this idea, but I don't want to see a storm chasing video game. For anyone who enjoys meteorology, any inaccuracy will just piss you off and make you throw your controller at the TV. For anyone who doesn't know anything about meteorology and plays a chasing game, they will likely want to go chase the next time a storm is near. Therefore, more "yahoo" chasers will be on the road, and more people will complain about and even greater amount a chaser convergence and rude locals on the road.

If such a game came out more people would be interested in storm chasing and for all the people that hate "yahoo chasers" ....you were probably one at one time in your life unless you just started chasing one day and you knew everything :roll:

Plus we'll get respect for being chasers instead of a bunch of losers that chase clouds lol
Not to be pessimistic about this idea, but I don't want to see a storm chasing video game. For anyone who enjoys meteorology, any inaccuracy will just piss you off and make you throw your controller at the TV. For anyone who doesn't know anything about meteorology and plays a chasing game, they will likely want to go chase the next time a storm is near. Therefore, more "yahoo" chasers will be on the road, and more people will complain about and even greater amount a chaser convergence and rude locals on the road.

I had similar thoughts about it producing more uninformed locals, thereby putting themselves and others at greater risk.

However, if the game was to be meteorologically accurate, it could end up being a good educational and training tool.

Of course, it's always possible that someone would play the game, then go out chasing with no more respect for "real thing" than they had for the game. And that could be almost as dangerous as being ignorant.
Not to be pessimistic about this idea, but I don't want to see a storm chasing video game. For anyone who enjoys meteorology, any inaccuracy will just piss you off and make you throw your controller at the TV. For anyone who doesn't know anything about meteorology and plays a chasing game, they will likely want to go chase the next time a storm is near. Therefore, more "yahoo" chasers will be on the road, and more people will complain about and even greater amount a chaser convergence and rude locals on the road.

If such a game came out more people would be interested in storm chasing and for all the people that hate "yahoo chasers" ....you were probably one at one time in your life unless you just started chasing one day and you knew everything :roll:

Plus we'll get respect for being chasers instead of a bunch of losers that chase clouds lol

Actually, I didn't start out as a yahoo chaser...and I do dislike them to a huge degree. I started chasing from my porches at home. And then when I started to chase in a vehicle, I kept my distance until I learned. Also there is a big difference in being interested in chasing and weather, or being a jackass near a storm.

I also agree with Brian in the fact that if we simulate it, first timers might have zero respect for the real thing. I kinda fades into the argument "I've seen Twister so I know what I am doing."
What's hilarious about this thread is that it took place when I was 14, the year before I decided to share my little TI-Basic calculator game online. And what revived this idea in my mind was the fact that a storm chasing PC game recently came out:
It's actually pretty fun when you don't think too hard into it. But why watch movies or play video games at all if you're looking for such in depth realism? Just have fun and play, it's a game! And there's another game coming out called Outbrk. I half jokingly say I created the genre, I guess this thread arguably invented it 😂
You folks can't possibly be serious about all this. :roll:
Oh the irony of this statement as read at this moment lol
I’ll have to check it out, virtual chasing may be the only chasing I get to do this year, depending upon how the coronavirus pandemic evolves...

There was some other more recent thread about another storm chasing game that was much more realistic; not sure where that development effort stands, I haven’t seen anything in the last year or so.
I had a few dreams about a Storm Chasing video game, probably in between a period of about 8 to 12 years ago. One was so vivid, realistic and memorable that I can still picture it right now and a lot of the features of the game and can see still frames from it.
Looks pretty neat! I might wait a bit to see if it continues to improve before purchasing, though.
Looks pretty neat! I might wait a bit to see if it continues to improve before purchasing, though.
I got it today. It definitely needs polishing; lots of bugs and glitches, but it’s a neat experience and a fairly realistic portrayal of storm chasing. I’d wait until it’s out of early access if you want the best experience, but it’s still pretty fun if you wanted it beforehand.
I was part of the Kickstarter for that game before the Covid pandemic happened. For a while, I forgot I had contributed to it...lol. Hoping my aging Windows PC can run the game with decent performance. I got my early access code this morning. The real-time data weather modeling is a cool feature - seeing what happens in-game vs. the actual real-life event.
I'm leading up a team working on a Collectable Card Game, if anyone is interested -- Fun people only :)

I have a CCG expert w/beta testing experience, but I'm looking for more chasers interested in helping. Not 4 profit, just a parody game 4 fun.

Here are some prototype cards: {All made w/AI & PS}. God bless!


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