Now only if Wii had a chaser game.
Now only if someone would come up with something for the Wii. Then I'd go around filming chasers playing a chaser related Wii game....that would just be crazy funny.
Of course that game would have to include dealing with all the stuff we talk about here on ST and elsewhere.
You can get points by either selling video to the media, or by contributing weather data to researchers. With the points you get, you can add more stuff to your chase vehicle like more stickers, computers, weather equipment and of course, more lightbars.
OK, I got a little to into there. The Discovery game was fairly easy for me. I don't know if the computer processing, or internet speed has much to do with it or not. I'm by no means a gamer...only have SimCity on the PC. My Atari, Super Nintendo are all in storage, ready to be sold on ebay.