Storm Chaser Bumper Sticker

Joey Ketcham

I came across this on another forum for Media personalities, pretty cool idea....

A guy wrote:

There's a bumper sticker for just about everything, but you don't see too many about weather or storm I decided to try my hand at making one using something I've said in my weather talks for years. Actually, it turned out pretty good. Here's what it looks like:

[Broken External Image]:

I had several extra printed, but I can't just give them away...since the cost of printing them came out of my own pocket. The size is 3 inches tall by 10 inches wide. If you're interested in getting one, either respond here, send me a PM, or drop me an email [email protected]. The cost is 5 bucks (postage included). Let me know if anyone wants one!

Brian Swiatowy
AKA Brian James
KVII-TV Amarillo, TX

That's pretty nifty... I know I'm gonna purchase one..
I came across this on another forum for Media personalities, pretty cool idea....

A guy wrote:

There's a bumper sticker for just about everything, but you don't see too many about weather or storm I decided to try my hand at making one using something I've said in my weather talks for years. Actually, it turned out pretty good. Here's what it looks like:

[Broken External Image]:

I had several extra printed, but I can't just give them away...since the cost of printing them came out of my own pocket. The size is 3 inches tall by 10 inches wide. If you're interested in getting one, either respond here, send me a PM, or drop me an email [email protected]. The cost is 5 bucks (postage included). Let me know if anyone wants one!

Brian Swiatowy
AKA Brian James
KVII-TV Amarillo, TX

That's pretty nifty... I know I'm gonna purchase one..

I'd put that on my truck in a heartbeat....and I hate bumperstickers