Storm Chase Synoptics

Given those three choices I would pick the dryline setup. You have to take into account how stout the cap is and if you're willing to leave the WF or triple-point setup which is more likely to go during daylight hours. Sometimes the DL will go but it is well after dark and too late for good visible tornadoes.

An ideal and fun dryline chase is when you can 'Meso-drop' on each storm in that sweet spot as they tornado and then catch the next southern storm as it becomes the tail-end charlie and becomes the next tornado producer. March 28th and April 21st this year in the TX panhandle were those kind of amazing days! :)
I chase any type of setup really as long as it gets me tornadoes. But if there is a scenario where you have an option of playing a WF or dryline such as a setup like May 29, 2004 or May 4, 2007. I'd always pick a dryline setup. But when I chase in places like Iowa chances are I'll go after a WF.

Ah the old "text book" dryline setup of May 29, 2004. I agree with favoring a strong dryline over a warm front or cold front. I guess it also depends on how long a drive it is to the warm front as opposed to the dryline too. But I do agree that I much prefer dryline setups for isolation of cells and the ability to "stairstep" your was down the line and catch cells from the south as they move northeast.
For me it isn't what I find easier (well unless you are talking proximity). I usually chase what looks best based upon the setup. Warm fronts and dryline are both fun. Probably I prefer tornadic setups on the dry line simply because you often see beautiful sups in the clear with good structure and they are a bit easier to navigate. Often I choose based upon proximity though as I live in central Tx the warm front is often in northern OK or ND.