Spotter Network Endorsed: NO

Apr 10, 2008
Spotter Network Endorsed: NO

Never noticed this before. Did a search on keywords
and nothing showed up.

What the heck is it?:eek:

I think that was added when they went to the scoring system. I assume there will be some way to get a stamp of approval from Tyler or something :)
Why do so many SN questions show up here instead of on the SN forum?

Why do so many GR3 questions show up here instead of on the GR3 forum?
A little off topic aren't we?



Rdale: I've never been able to get on the GR forums. I think the same with SN, but I could be wrong there. Never get approved access.

Since I don't frequent those....I wonder if perhaps it's not the same as getting the information from chasers who use the two systems/software for chasing.

But I too see your point and share you're observation to a point.
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Should these questions be asked in their respective forums? Sure. Does that mean they can't be asked here? Not really. In regards to the GRLevelX forums, I have spoken to several people that have been waiting over a year to get accounts approved for that forum. Thus, they can't ask their questions there, so they come here...a place they know has a plethora of users.
If you haven't been approved for one of their forums after a year, it's probably time to send Mike/Tyler a message. They both are VERY responsive and helpful.
I think that was added when they went to the scoring system. I assume there will be some way to get a stamp of approval from Tyler or something :)

That's what I was thinking as well. Just wondering about the details of it all.

I would take it then that everyone is at not approved until the details are worked out?

I could see it being a good thing if done correctly.


Should these questions be asked in their respective forums? Sure. Does that mean they can't be asked here? Not really. In regards to the GRLevelX forums, I have spoken to several people that have been waiting over a year to get accounts approved for that forum. Thus, they can't ask their questions there, so they come here...a place they know has a plethora of users.

I agree. Could of posted it there, but thought more would be interested
in the answer and how the program is operated.

I do have posting rights at Tylers forums, but I simply do not get over to those those forums all that often so I posted it here.

Some folks may not like it, but tuff for them. They can continue to blast
away if they so wish. The ones you see doing this are the same folks
on other boards doing the same thing. Static is static.

nobody is "endorsed" since we haven't worked out what that would mean, what the requirements would mean, and how it would work. It's a place holder for now. Just a hair brained idea I had one night. Might even disappear without ever getting used.
I agree. Could of posted it there, but thought more would be interested
in the answer and how the program is operated.

I guess I look at it as if you have a specific question about a product or service, that the first place to check would be with that product or service... That is to seek out the information in the most likely location, ask a question there, or find that the answer is not there. Then, when not found and not responded to within that products forum to go to a general use forum to find the answer.

I look at it the same as someone coming to StormTrack and asking "How do you forecast severe weather?" That's what google is for. Do some work on finding the answer yourself and then if you can't find all the details, ask about specific parts you have questions about on a general forum like StormTrack. I posted the link to the information, which is that there isn't any at this point along with some discussion of it.
Seems I got my answer,,and it was here. Great thing about America..We are free
to seek out knowledge where we wish..

I look at it the same as someone coming to StormTrack and asking "How do you forecast severe weather?" That's what google is for. Do some work on finding the answer yourself and then if you can't find all the details, ask about specific parts you have questions about on a general forum like StormTrack. I posted the link to the information, which is that there isn't any at this point along with some discussion of it.

Google has no answers itself. It simply points you to a website with the information. Like this one:
I did look around and did a search for it prior to posting it. I have been
around the Internet since Al Gore invented it:eek: and how it works for some time. But your suggestions are good for the new person.

I do Google things to death when researching something. But when I know
a place that will get me an answer fast I go to the one with the most activity and best content. Like StormTrack. Thats what it's for.

I do Google things to death when researching something. But when I know a place that will get me an answer fast I go to the one with the most activity and best content. Like StormTrack. Thats what it's for.

Take this how you will, but I disagree with this statement. Stormtrack does not exist to allow you to get an answer fast about products. Taken from the very top of the Stormtrack FAQ:
Stormtrack's primary objective is to provide a venue for quality storm chasing discussion.
Tim graciously tolerates questions about other products.

Personally, I don't care what you ask or talk about on this forum. When I finally tire of people doing something I find annoying or asking about stuff I think is inappropriate I add them to my "ignore list" and magically that nonsense disappears. However, I do think it is important to remind everyone about Stormtrack's purpose.
Take this how you will, but I disagree with this statement. Stormtrack does not exist to allow you to get an answer fast about products. Taken from the very top of the Stormtrack FAQ:

Stormtrack's primary objective is to provide a venue for quality storm chasing discussion.

Tim graciously tolerates questions about other products.

Personally, I don't care what you ask or talk about on this forum. When I finally tire of people doing something I find annoying or asking about stuff I think is inappropriate I add them to my "ignore list" and magically that nonsense disappears. However, I do think it is important to remind everyone about Stormtrack's purpose.

Since I don't frequent SN forums (although I think I'm registered for them), this thread was a good way of informing the rest of the community if others have the same question too. For example, I never noticed the spotter network endorsement box either...

Also if Storm Track's only purpose was for high quality storm chasing discussion, the rainbow chaser thread should never have been in the 'advanced' section of this board.
Also if Storm Track's only purpose was for high quality storm chasing discussion, the rainbow chaser thread should never have been in the 'advanced' section of this board.

No argument from me; that thread shouldn't have been posted there. My post was simply pointing out that Tim implicitly stated that Stormtrack exists for him to get information quickly, that he could get elsewhere. If everyone did that, the amount of noise in the forums would increase dramatically (over what it already is).
"Stormtrack's primary objective is to provide a venue for quality storm chasing discussion"

That may be his intent for StormTrack which is all good.:)

But it is also a forum and has public access. Thus it is a searchable resource.
Just like everything else on the Internet that shows up in search engines.

Also his choice of the word venue over the word forum:

1 a : the place from which a jury is drawn and in which trial is held <requested a change of venue> b : the place or county in which take place the alleged events from which a legal action arises c : a statement showing that a case is brought to the proper court or authority
2 a : locale 1; also : a place where events of a specific type are held <music venues>

1 a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business b : a public meeting place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas
2 : a judicial body or assembly : court
3 a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion b : a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities

Pat your comments are always welcome and taken in the spirit given, thank you, and I do understand your point, but once
they put it online it becomes a searchable resource for information.

Sort of like writing a book on storms ( then placing it in a searchable library (the Internet).

No argument from me; that thread shouldn't have been posted there. My post was simply pointing out that Tim implicitly stated that Stormtrack exists for him to get information quickly, that he could get elsewhere. If everyone did that, the amount of noise in the forums would increase dramatically (over what it already is).

Remember that many that visit and read this website for information are not members and do not post. Thus you do not have "the noise" you refer too.
