SPC Mesoanalysis New Products for Region Sectors ?

Sep 24, 2006
Sioux Falls,South Dakota
I was Wondering could anyone explain what under SPC Mesoanalysis in one of the region box's under Kinematic fields is Instantaneous Contraction rate,Fluid Trapping,Velocity Tensor Magnitude I have asked some NWS offices and they do not even know.
Zach, I believe those refer to potential bodily measurement of sphincter contraction, urine retention ability, and mental stress level for chasers when near severe storms and the suck zone of tornadoes. This is a severe virtual measurement similar to Helicity with regards to storm environments, having no real meaning, unless a tornado / severe storm enters the enviroment.:D
If you hit the small blue "description" link above each map you will get a popup with a small description of the parameter and even a sentence or two about how to use it. However, even after reading those descriptions I still don't understand a whole lot about these new products... But at least they give you the basics.