Jeff Snyder
I just wanted to point out that the 00z OUN sounding appears to be another frustrating case of parcel theory failure. I was assuming that this was a true cap bust, and I was expecting to see something like -50 or -100 j/kg MLCIN. Instead, the Norman sounding has -10 j/kg MLCIN, -5 j/kg SBCIN, with 2700 j/kg MLCAPE. The low-level shear profile, as expected, is pretty fantastic, with ~300 0-1km SRH, ~30 kts 0-1 km "shear", ~650 m2/s2 0-3km SRH, and 46 kts 0-6 km "shear". There is a weakness near 550 mb (15 kts), but that was forecast. Considering what looked like rather appreciable surface convergence in the Hinton - Watonga area (and another area of convergence down near Lawton), there must have been strong capping just a couple of counties west of OUN. However, the sfc temps were also quite a bit higher out there (the OUN sounding has 77 F temp), with low-mid 80s in some locations E of the dryline. We even saw some clumping Cu and maybe some TCu around 3:30-4:00 pm SW of El Reno, but those dissipated by 5-5:30. Though the attempts were not as solid as those around the OKC area on 6/7/07 (another day with an uncapped sounding, very high CAPE, strong shear, but not a single sustained storm in central OK), it is frustrating to see that shear actually verified higher than forecast. Heck, any time I see these shear numbers (SRH, etc.) with 2500+ j/kg CAPE and 800 m MLLCL E of a Plains dryline, I can only think thoughts of tornadic supercells.
I still find it strange that synoptic scale subsidence on the order of centimeters per second can preclude intense convective updrafts (30-40 m/s) associated with 2500-3000 j/kg MLCAPE. Since we never saw a Cb S of the activity up near Fairview, it's evident that those surface parcels never really reached their LFCs. Perhaps it was more of a problem of the DEPTH of convergence today.
I don't have the calculated convergence fields from today, but I did make a surface map of observations at 2230 UTC based on METARS and mesonet observations. There certainly looks like there's decent convergence, though things aren't always like they appear.
I still find it strange that synoptic scale subsidence on the order of centimeters per second can preclude intense convective updrafts (30-40 m/s) associated with 2500-3000 j/kg MLCAPE. Since we never saw a Cb S of the activity up near Fairview, it's evident that those surface parcels never really reached their LFCs. Perhaps it was more of a problem of the DEPTH of convergence today.
I don't have the calculated convergence fields from today, but I did make a surface map of observations at 2230 UTC based on METARS and mesonet observations. There certainly looks like there's decent convergence, though things aren't always like they appear.