I've had my A7Sii for few years now, and I love it. Really. Except for when I chase. I try to shoot in SLog for the most dynamic range. It's marvelous in a lot of scenarios and I've used it for various commercial video work and music videos. When shooting in SLog (google that, it'd take WAY too long to explain) on several chases I noticed that when I apply grading using one of several LUTs and then tweaking if needed, there's always this odd color shifting and pixelations in the footage. After doing some research the apparent culprit is that SLog 2/3 doesn't handle the fine variances between greys...like what we're after. Then add the changing lighting with a native 1600 ISO
The reasoning is due to the limitations of 8-bit, 4:2:0 formats; 10-bit, 4:2:2 handles this fine apparently (I know what I'M buying come tax time).
After doing some test shots on a partly cloudy day, I think I'm banking on that the way to go is Cine 2 or Cine 3 for picture profiles. It doesn't seem to produce this weirdness from what I can tell.
Question for any of you that shoot Sony - have you encountered this ever? If so is Cine 2/3 better? I have attached some screen grabs of my last chase here to show you what I mean. On a smart phone it's not really apparent but on even a laptop it's painful.
Thanks in advance!

After doing some test shots on a partly cloudy day, I think I'm banking on that the way to go is Cine 2 or Cine 3 for picture profiles. It doesn't seem to produce this weirdness from what I can tell.
Question for any of you that shoot Sony - have you encountered this ever? If so is Cine 2/3 better? I have attached some screen grabs of my last chase here to show you what I mean. On a smart phone it's not really apparent but on even a laptop it's painful.
Thanks in advance!