Something to consider when buying a Verizon phone

Bill Hark

Jan 13, 2004
Richmond Virginia
Here is something to consider when buying a Verizon phone. To make extra money, Verizon has disabled many functions of the new Motorola V710 Bluetooth phone.

This is something to consider if you are planning on using a cellphone camera to send out quick storm pics or using it as an easy way to check e-mail.

Hopefully, there are smart folks out there who can figure out some hacks of this new phone.

Bill Hark
Don't you just love it when a company tells you what they're really thinking!!!

I've been with Sprint for about seven years and have still been very pleased with them. I know many many others aren't though.

Though I'm still waiting for my replacement for my Treo 600. There is a minor software bug and it's in very short supply with Sprint (discontinued)... but the local Sprint store has been very very helpful and every time I drop by, they've been calling around to get me a replacement.

I may just wait until the Treo 650s get online this winter and just trade up.

Don't you just love it when a company tells you what they're really thinking!!!

I've been with Sprint for about seven years and have still been very pleased with them. I know many many others aren't though.

Though I'm still waiting for my replacement for my Treo 600. There is a minor software bug and it's in very short supply with Sprint (discontinued)... but the local Sprint store has been very very helpful and every time I drop by, they've been calling around to get me a replacement.

I may just wait until the Treo 650s get online this winter and just trade up.


I was using Sprints laptop connection card, and it was pretty good - They offer a plan with no binding contracts :eek: , but you must add $10 onto the bill for this "service". This is great, since I only use the service for 2 months at most, and it would be a waste to keep paying for another 10 months... Same goes for their cell plans as well - Until other companies do this, Sprint is number one in my books.
I can certainly understand your point about the data service. Hopefully most inexpensive cell phones will soon have robust enough browsers and screens big enough to get everything from full size web pages to doppler loops. My Treo 600 does all of that (the full loops are sweet)... but again this phone cost me more than half a grand.


However, I have gotten plenty of use out of it, and use it ALL the time! It is my life. Is that sad?

It also has all my calendar and contact info so my life is on it. That's convenient.

ADD: I'm going to start a new topic to alert users of a feature of the new Treo 650, coming out soon. Sprint vows Bluetooth functionality will be unfettered, hinting use as a modem might be rather easy.

As Bill says, as of now the Verizon v710 has the Bluetooth file services disabled. They're taking a major amount of flak for it, and I wouldn't be surprised if they authorize the unlocking soon. It's quite easy, however, to transfer pictures to your computer using a Transflash chip, the SD adapter, and a multi-card reader.

I have the phone and dialing up your ISP from the computer via the wireless Bluetooth link works ok. I had a little hassle figuring out what to click on when to get XP recognizing the phone and the Linksys USB Bluetooth dongle. The Delorme Bluelogger and the v710 communicate simultaneously ok with the computer.