I will not speak for other NWS offices, however I can speak for myself as a NWS radar meteorologist... As many of you may know, all NWS tornado and severe thunderstorm warnings are generated graphically.
In theory, the text product should not be touched unless additional information, ie. the inclusion of a spotter report, etc.. are inserted. Warngen, however, is far from perfect, and there are many times when the SVR, TOR, whatever needs to be edited. I find it strange that the expiration time was changed... because if you change the expiration time, you MUST change the UGC coding on the top (and soon to be VTEC coding)... it is a NO-NO (in our office at least) to edit UGC coding!! If there's an error in expiration or counties, we re-gen it with warngen.
Anyhoo... warning duration philosophy is never easy, and the warning forecaster will usually error on the side of "longer warning" vs. "shorter", at least that's why I do. It is very simple in warngen to gauge the duration of the warning if one has the storm motion correct... simple linear extrapolation, which warngen shows graphically. Of course, storm forward motion is never always constant.
It takes experience, obviously, as a radar meteorologist when issuing sound warnings. I can't imagine they've had a ton of svrwx in wisconsin so far this season... and with new builds always occuring with AWIPS, etc.. sometimes Warngen templates get messed up, etc.
On another SVR & TOR note... the DDC office no longer gives pathcast TIMES... only the pathcast towns or the proverbial "rural portion of X county". ;-) I love the desolate high plains!
Mike U in DDC