Skyscan portable lightning detector

Dec 9, 2003
I'm selling a Skyscan portable lightning detector. I've had this unit for 9-10 years, but I've never actually used it (I forgot about it until I ran across it in a closet). This is a nice unit for chasers and weather weenies, as it'll let you know if it detects lightning within 40 miles of your location. Say, for example, you're chilling in a McDonalds waiting for initiation on those cloudy, grungy days -- this unit will get your attention when it detects a lightning strike within the maximum range of detection.

The sale will include the following:
+ SkyScan Portable Lightning Detector
+ Two 9 V batteries
+ Black, soft carrying case

This lightning detector has NEVER BEEN USED and is LIKE NEW.

From SkyScan USA:
Our SkyScan P5 Portable Lightning Detector detects electromagnetic emissions from individual lightning strokes. It has been designed to detect any electromagnetic emissions within a 40 mile radius, and it monitors in all directions! That means it monitors storms and lightning activity as they approach, .... and just as important, as they pass by.

Our SkyScan P5 Portable lightning detector takes the guesswork out of decisions to cease and resume outdoor activity during thunderstorms. It conveys to you the level of activity of lightning in a storm as each time it detects a lightning stroke, it emits an audible warning tone (..if this feature has been selected by the user), and it registers the distance away of each stroke of lightning on its range indicator (..distance is indicated in one of four ranges: 0-3 miles, 3-8 miles, 8-20 miles and 20-40 miles). Each detection stays lit for approximately 3 seconds allowing the user to see the distance of that stroke, and compare that detection to the closest detected stroke (which is retained in the memory for 15 seconds).

The benefits of our SkyScan P5 portable lightning detector include:

easy to use and understand dependable, accurate and portable and above all, economical.

The manual can be downloaded from the SkyScan website HERE.

The detector can be powered by the following:
Two 9 V batteries (*included*)
A 110 V AC adapter (not included)
A 12 V auto adapter (not included)

I have this item on an Ebay auction -- see the auction. The actual unit looks like the picture that's on the auction listing.