Saturns and Softball Size Hail = Hole


Apr 10, 2005
Skiatook, OK
Here is what a storm with softball size hail will do to a saturn with plastic panels. In reality, not all that much, except for one tennis-ball sized hole. All in all, im impressed with Saturn's Dent resistance. Now they need to work on the hole resistance :wink:

Storm damage is from May 12th South Plains Storm.

Ben Vassmer
:shock: Ouch! That is one of the problems with chasing, the risk of taking some heavy vehicle damage from large hail. Hopefully you can get that fixed pretty fast and get back out there chasing. And try to stay away from the hail! Your car will last longer and your wallet will stay thicker! :wink:
Oh I tried to stay away... but I took too long oogling at the tornado! My own fault, and something that was common among a bunch of chasers that day...
That was not real fun at the time. It was either tornado or hail. Although I didn't like either I opted for the hail even though I was driving my partners car (Sorry Chad :oops: :( ). Man was it loud. I am not afraid to admit that I was scared shXtless. Our video is so dramitic that it scares me even to watch it. I will be damned if I stay on the north side again. A real eye opener for sure...

Originally posted by Mickey Ptak
That was not real fun at the time. It was either tornado or hail. Although I didn't like either I opted for the hail even though I was driving my partners car (Sorry Chad :oops: :( ). Man was it load. I am not afraid to admit that I was scared shXtless. Our video is so dramitic that it scares me even to watch it. I will be damned if I stay on the north side again. A real eye opener for sure...


Anyone have any video from that online? I've seen tons of pictures from this event, but not any video links. Pleeeaaase? :)
Originally posted by Ryan McGinnis+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ryan McGinnis)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Mickey Ptak
That was not real fun at the time. It was either tornado or hail. Although I didn't like either I opted for the hail even though I was driving my partners car (Sorry Chad :oops: :( ). Man was it load. I am not afraid to admit that I was scared shXtless. Our video is so dramitic that it scares me even to watch it. I will be damned if I stay on the north side again. A real eye opener for sure...


Anyone have any video from that online? I've seen tons of pictures from this event, but not any video links. Pleeeaaase? :)[/b]

Yeah, I was about to post about that. I have seen lots of pictures from it, but I also want to see some video. As Ryan said, Pleeeaaase???

Glad everyone made it out of that storm with only broken windows, dents and a few minor injuries, could have been worse. I'd love to see some video footage of the hail/tornado! Biggest hail I've seen this year so far is golfballs, (I'm jealous) People who know me know I like to have one HAIL of a good time! :lol: :D
Re: Hail

Originally posted by Craig Maire II
Glad everyone made it out of that storm with only broken windows, dents and a few minor injuries, could have been worse. I'd love to see some video footage of the hail/tornado! Biggest hail I've seen this year so far is golfballs, (I'm jealous) People who know me know I like to have one HAIL of a good time! :lol: :D

I ran into some golfball size hail last Friday, just after school when I got into my car to go home. A severe storm had just started moving through when school ended and no less than one minute after I had walked out the doors and got inside my car, I start hearing multiple "thunks" on the car and see golfball size hail just falling like crazy. I felt sorry for those that were out in it making their way to their cars. Definately had to hurt, especially after I got home and saw all the dents in my hood, roof, and trunk.
Originally posted by Mickey Ptak
I will get a short teaser clip in a bit. Cant put to much on there because this is for sure on my next DVD.


Get Mickey's Meso Road DVD, some of the best footage over the last several years!!! I enjoyed it, price is fair, and has great footage of Elk City. Give us the teaser Mickey!!!!
Damn, man. I am DEFINATELY going to start bringing my motorcycle helmet on chases.

That was an expensive video to shoot, but holy crap, am I ever going to buy your DVD this year.