Rocky's annual mid winter Stormtrack round up.

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
My mid winter SDS party is scheduled for Sat. Jan 30th 2010 at 1pm.
Some food will be provided but I'll need to know who for sure will be able to show up before we buy the food and drink.. Hopefully with this being announced almost 6 weeks away, you'll have enough time to make plans on being here. Bring an edited storm chase video if you like. More details will follow as the date draws near.

Unfortunately with potential work conflicts, my oldest son's graduation in late May and my daughter who is due with our first grandchild. Another spring season may go by without our main picnic I normally hold every year. So lets make this one count.

Please RSVP to let me know if you'll be here. Hope your holiday season is the best!!!

Bridget and I will be there barring a freak blizzard in N Texas that keeps us from traveling.
Hey Rocky, Count myself and Gary into the mix too. We will be down, as long as we are not caught up in a blizzard or something, too!
We will bring beer!

Look forward to finally meeting you
Two weeks from today! A rendevoux of storm aficionado's here at my humble abode 5 miles NW of Piedmont, OK. 1pm. We will supply some food and beverage but if you want to bring your own, that's cool too. An edited video is welcome to back up those tall tales that will be spoken of in abundance.

So far, I have about 8 or so that say they plan on coming by. Let me know by thurs. evening the 28th to RSVP if you haven't done so yet so I'll have an idea who'll show for sure. As of now, I don't see any major winter events that may preclude your presence here so I do expect a decent turn out.

This MAY be the only time this year I can have a get together as I stated in my initial post, a number of events going on in May/early June may throw a monkey wrench into plans for the main picnic I normally have held in the past. I am contemplating allowing beer and wine this time around but I'll have to check with the Mrs. on that for sure.

I'll post another reminder on Thurs. the 28th along with directions. Look forward in seeing you here! It won't be complete with you!
Due to the possible implications of the impending winter storm for Thurs. and Fri., The chaser party may have to be rescheduled. I'll have a pretty good idea by tomorrow evening (Wed. Jan. 27th) if we should go through with trying to have the party. I am most concerned with some folks just trying to get here despite the road conditions which I'm sure will be a challenge to say the least.
Also, power outages are almost a certainty with the amount of freezing rain expected. Earlier in the month, we lost power over a freezing drizzle event accompanied by 20-30mph winds for almost 12 hours. This upcoming event will likely yield far more substantial ice and wind, so I'm concerned if we'll even have power by Saturday.

So, I'm not at all impressed with the timing of this despite my love for winter weather.. a couple of "legends" in storm chasing are suppose to be here along with about 15 or so other folks who plan on coming. As of now, the chance of us pulling this off is 50/50 because of the potential ramifications of the storm's aftermath. If I don't have internet to officially cancel the party, I'll have to go through someone who does have online capabilities to spread the word. I'll let you know by tomorrow night or Thurs. morning at the latest on who that may be or if we decide to pull the plug on this at that time. I'll be following the winter storm thread closely for updates and throw in my pennies worth of a forecast to boot.

Maybe, we can still pull this off later in Feb. if we have to cancel or hopefully the first two weekends in May, could be the only time this year for a potential party at the ranch... we'll see.


Due to the impending ice storm I am now only 30% sure I will be able to make it if you still have it this weekend. I will have to stay in town to help cover the ice storm for my local station as well as be available to fill in at my job if an associate gets stranded and calls into work.