Rocky Says Thank You!

Jul 17, 2004
Piedmont, OK
: Not sure where to put this on this forum but I just wanted to say thanks to all who showed yesterday for the picnic. It was'nt a big attendance...I think a total of about 25 or so including the folks from Tempest Tours who showed up. My lovely wife Dee had a spread of food that was second to none... and we went thru 2 huge filets of Salmon...
For the small group it was, I was amazed by how much food we consumed... poor Shane will need to run around the block of few times, that boy can eat :lol:

Stuart: I've just noticed your post...don't know I missed it.... I'm crushed you especially could'nt make it, call me or email. If more people are around next weekend and its still dead...perhaps I'll open my doors once again to whoever wants to show... but this time you can bring your own food and drink.

Thanks again and hope to see you under some storm if this pattern ever breaks!
I had posted this in Weather & Chasing, but I did it late last night and it's already been buried, so here it is again:

Just wanted to say thanks to Rocky, Dee, the kiddos, and the animals for another wonderful time at their lovely farmstead. Videos went over quite well (with folks actually watching and enjoying them throughout the day/night), the spread was delicious and plentiful, and the company was, as always, exceptional. Sorry we stayed so late
My thanks to Rocky and Dee for a wonderful afternoon yesterday! As always, the food was awesome (Rocky's grilled salmon will soon be legendary!!!), and was great to hang out, eat, and watch the latest video!!