Roads in GRL3?

You have a stylefile in your install directory.

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Every U.S State can be found here on

Download the state(s) you want, then extract them to your GR3 folder (or somewhere where you can remember it) then open the GR3 application. Click on "GIS" then click "Load Shapefile" and you'll have to import each shapefile (.shp) section for the state...for instance Kansas has 4: NW, NE, SW, SE.

Click on the "..." for shapefile and find where you extracted it to...double click the Ks_Northewest.shp (shapefile), then go to the style file and click on the "tigerroads.sty". Then hit import. Then do the same for the remaining sections, the style file will always be "tigerroads.sty"
Originally Posted by Paul Townsend
John, on the owners' forum: there is a thread about adding a roadsigns place file in GR products. Give me about a week, and then I will send Tyler Allison an update to the file that will have roadsigns for ND, SD, MN, WI, NE, KS, IA, IL, OK, and MO.

Well the week is up. Give me about 3 weeks, yet, to have all of the above states up to snuff.

Many things conspired against me so that I missed this deadline, not the least of which was my serious miscalculation. ;) At the time I was pushing to do this, I noticed that all of the files were transferred to grlevelxstuff servers and that the project had become herbiered's. Our outlooks on the project differed so I deferred. I use the roadsigns so as to turn my laptop with the GR application into an interactive(quick zooming/panning) road atlas. Thus, the hallmarks of my file are:

1. A dense network of signs such that 2 or more of a given road are visible along either aspect as you zoom in. Up to a certain point of course. That point is the second zoom-in where street level roads are visible (The threshold for when any given type of road becomes visible can be edited in your style file. In my case I have the first zoom-in where street level roads become visible set to the 15 Threshold)

2. A roadsign at the beginning/end of each road, snug up to the road/town/state line it begins/ends at.

3. Roadsigns placed accurately, but not precisely, to reflect where the roads actually are located as opposed to where the TIGER files say the road is. This is due mainly to city bypasses or where major construction projects have altered the number designations for segments of some roads. Unfortunately the $200 Million, eight-year contract for the MAF/TIGER Accuracy Improvement Project has left many counties that are supposedly completed, to have NUMEROUS inaccuracies/omissions. I certainly haven't caught everything so if anybody notices that I have failed to represent a road change with the signs, let me know.

I have the dense network completed for ND, SD, MN, WI, IL, MO. I have a denser network than the file found at grlevelxstuff for IA, NE, KS, OK and will be working on getting those 4 states up to the same level as the other 6. If anyone would like the code for these, send me an e-mail or pm with your e-mail and I will send you a notepad file for the code of the state(s) you want.

My files are based on using the 10X10 roadsigns, not the 12X12, where overlapping will occur near road endpoints or where many roads exist. I have Interstate, US Highway, and State Highway signs for the given states.

As an FYI, there are many ways to alter the appearance of the roads and roadsigns in conjunction with zooming on GRLx. You can edit the zoom factor for each zoom-in step on the application itself. Go to View > Animation Settings > under "Zoom Settings" change the magnification amount with each step by changing the "Amount" value. You may also change the threshold zoom level that a given classification of road shows up by editing the style file. You can also change the color of a given type of road here as well. Lastly, you can change the threshold zoom level that a given roadsign shows up by editting the "Threshold:" line in the roadsigns file.
Just for clarification.... Yours would look like this only smaller road signs??? Plus even more???

This is a link to what it would look like at around the 40 Threshold. Click pics to get full-size files.

This is what it might look like at the zoom level one past the 15 Threshold

You can see the addition of roadsigns for where the extension to the North-South Tollway has been built. I am using the roadsign icon sheet consisting of the 10X10 icons(the original), so if you are using the 12X12(the new icon sheets herbiered uploaded to grlevelxstuff) then there will be overlap of roadsigns where they are close, or overlap of the roadsign onto the road or state line for signs at the beginning/ending of a given road.