Guy Crittenden
I'll be storm chasing in the Oklahoma/Kansas/Texas area for two weeks in late April/early May. I live in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada and chase locally -- this will be my first time chasing on the plains.
As a Canadian I face a few technical challenges from the get-go, as I can't use an existing wireless provider from Canada to meet my cell phone and roaming internet needs in the rural areas of the American Midwest. I am also a Mac user, which complicates things a bit.
My goal is to arrive with suitable equipment, and not needlessly overspend. (Note that my goals is not to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars too much on gear. But I'm happy to spend "a little extra" to get the right equipment or data plan, etc.)
After reading some message threads here, I've arrived at the following initial plan. I'm interested in comments and guidance from more experienced chasers as to the soundness of these ideas.
1. ROAMING CONNECTIVITY: I managed to get my iPhone 5 "unlocked." (As I've owned it for a while this cost only $50. The carriers in Canada used to make this very expensive.) So I can put any SIM card in there I like, as long as it's compatible with the iPhone 5.
2. DATA PLAN: I have the impression from these boards that Verizon gives the best coverage in the rural areas through which I'll be driving. So I'm thinking about getting some kind of Verizon SIM card with a pay-as-you-go plan or short-term contract. (Please share insights into any plan you recommend, and what would be a sufficient data package for two weeks of chasing. I'll try to use hotel/motel internet for internet and movies, etc. but don't wish to be "penny-wise, pound foolish" in not buying enough data.)
3. CAR SET-UP & POWER: I plan to use my iPhone (with the Verizon SIM card and data plan) as a wireless "hot spot" and tether it with Bluetooth to my iPad and MacBook Air laptop. I plan to mount the phone and iPad to the dashboard and position the laptop on the passenger seat. (I'll be driving alone.) I'll bring whatever power adapters/inverters/plugs are needed to keep all three devices fully charged in the car and overnight in the motel. (Interested in any tips about set-up and adapters.)
4. SOFTWARE: I know there's a lot of radar and weather software/apps out there. Thus far it looks like, for a Mac user, WeatherWall Mobile is a good basic choice. ( It appears to be designed specifically for iPhone and iPad. I'm making a list of other software people recommend on these boards, but would appreciate learning about any other useful software that's good on Apple products. Because WeatherWall is designed for the USA, it appears I can't use or test it fully in Canada. I'd also like to know if I need to subscribe to a special weather data service related to this.
5. CAR RENTAL: I'll be driving a rental car, and will likely fly into Dallas as I notice on Expedia that car rentals seem cheaper there, and flights are easy to get. However, if anyone has a suggestion about a good car rental outfit, I'd appreciate tips. One of my issues will be to get unlimited mileage if possible as I'll be driving a heck of a lot during those two weeks!
Thanks in advance for all your help! I'm thrilled not only at the prospect of this trip but also by being part of this supportive online community!
As a Canadian I face a few technical challenges from the get-go, as I can't use an existing wireless provider from Canada to meet my cell phone and roaming internet needs in the rural areas of the American Midwest. I am also a Mac user, which complicates things a bit.
My goal is to arrive with suitable equipment, and not needlessly overspend. (Note that my goals is not to spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars too much on gear. But I'm happy to spend "a little extra" to get the right equipment or data plan, etc.)
After reading some message threads here, I've arrived at the following initial plan. I'm interested in comments and guidance from more experienced chasers as to the soundness of these ideas.
1. ROAMING CONNECTIVITY: I managed to get my iPhone 5 "unlocked." (As I've owned it for a while this cost only $50. The carriers in Canada used to make this very expensive.) So I can put any SIM card in there I like, as long as it's compatible with the iPhone 5.
2. DATA PLAN: I have the impression from these boards that Verizon gives the best coverage in the rural areas through which I'll be driving. So I'm thinking about getting some kind of Verizon SIM card with a pay-as-you-go plan or short-term contract. (Please share insights into any plan you recommend, and what would be a sufficient data package for two weeks of chasing. I'll try to use hotel/motel internet for internet and movies, etc. but don't wish to be "penny-wise, pound foolish" in not buying enough data.)
3. CAR SET-UP & POWER: I plan to use my iPhone (with the Verizon SIM card and data plan) as a wireless "hot spot" and tether it with Bluetooth to my iPad and MacBook Air laptop. I plan to mount the phone and iPad to the dashboard and position the laptop on the passenger seat. (I'll be driving alone.) I'll bring whatever power adapters/inverters/plugs are needed to keep all three devices fully charged in the car and overnight in the motel. (Interested in any tips about set-up and adapters.)
4. SOFTWARE: I know there's a lot of radar and weather software/apps out there. Thus far it looks like, for a Mac user, WeatherWall Mobile is a good basic choice. ( It appears to be designed specifically for iPhone and iPad. I'm making a list of other software people recommend on these boards, but would appreciate learning about any other useful software that's good on Apple products. Because WeatherWall is designed for the USA, it appears I can't use or test it fully in Canada. I'd also like to know if I need to subscribe to a special weather data service related to this.
5. CAR RENTAL: I'll be driving a rental car, and will likely fly into Dallas as I notice on Expedia that car rentals seem cheaper there, and flights are easy to get. However, if anyone has a suggestion about a good car rental outfit, I'd appreciate tips. One of my issues will be to get unlimited mileage if possible as I'll be driving a heck of a lot during those two weeks!
Thanks in advance for all your help! I'm thrilled not only at the prospect of this trip but also by being part of this supportive online community!

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