Hello, everyone,
I am currently in the middle of a weather forecasting internship in Cleveland, OH and while I went into the internship thinking that being a TV Met was never for me, I will be leaving it wanting to become one. That said, I had the intention of going on to graduate school so I can further my education of meteorology (especially about thermodynamics, atmospheric physics/chemistry, and synoptic/dynamic meteorology) so I can work for NWS or the SPC at some point (obviously after obtaining my PhD). My question is that do you think it is feasible for me go straight into grad school and then work as a TV Met, and then get my PhD, or do you think it is doable to go to grad school part time and work as a TV Met part time as well? I do hope this type of question is allowed, and I assume there are TV Mets on this site that could offer some insight about my situation. I just want to be able to alert people about what is going on in the weather (especially if I hired in at a station in the dead center of Tornado Alley), and I'm just not sure if I could have that same pride that I saved lives by alerting them that an EF4 was upon them if I was working at SPC in Norman.
I am currently in the middle of a weather forecasting internship in Cleveland, OH and while I went into the internship thinking that being a TV Met was never for me, I will be leaving it wanting to become one. That said, I had the intention of going on to graduate school so I can further my education of meteorology (especially about thermodynamics, atmospheric physics/chemistry, and synoptic/dynamic meteorology) so I can work for NWS or the SPC at some point (obviously after obtaining my PhD). My question is that do you think it is feasible for me go straight into grad school and then work as a TV Met, and then get my PhD, or do you think it is doable to go to grad school part time and work as a TV Met part time as well? I do hope this type of question is allowed, and I assume there are TV Mets on this site that could offer some insight about my situation. I just want to be able to alert people about what is going on in the weather (especially if I hired in at a station in the dead center of Tornado Alley), and I'm just not sure if I could have that same pride that I saved lives by alerting them that an EF4 was upon them if I was working at SPC in Norman.