Question-Florida and These Hurricanes


I just got word from my friend that he and his wife just bailed out of their vacation down in Jamaica or somewhere before Ivan shows up later tonight. They didn't want to stick around and see the fun. Apparently the plane ride back was "a bit" bumpy and he vows never to fly again, lol.

His exact words were:

"Planes suck $*%$^ in a big way. Seven and a half hours of shear terror by that *$&#%$^ Hurricane, NEVER AGAIN!"
Ideally (and some people will dislike me for this), I would like Ivan to crap out and not hit anyone with winds that are too damaging.. I have family in South Texas near the coast. I also have family on the coast in Alabama, and I have friends in Tallahassee with family in Orlando.
Ideally (and some people will dislike me for this), I would like Ivan to crap out and not hit anyone with winds that are too damaging.. I have family in South Texas near the coast. I also have family on the coast in Alabama, and I have friends in Tallahassee with family in Orlando.
I don't think anyone wants to see this thing come ashore anywhere that strong.
Originally posted by Tim Vasquez
It will be interesting to see how the seasonal rainfall totals add up if Ivan hits Florida.


Now, we have Tropical Storm Jeanne. If that intensifies and becomes a cane, oh boy. Then there is the possibility of it hitting Florida. :roll: