Question-Florida and These Hurricanes

Jul 5, 2004
New Jersey
I hope that Ivan doesn't hit Florida, but if it does...

Wouldn't this be the first time in known history that 3 hurricanes had hit Florida in such a short span of time? :(

Ivan right now has winds of 140 mph, with gusts to 165 mph. I have an old friend in the Dominican Republic, and relatives in Puerto Rico.

I hope the storm doesn't head that way.

I have a friend that just got married over the weekend and left yesterday for Jamaica. Needless to say, they are worried that they are now in Ivan's way. From looking at the model graphs posted here, it seems that they all agree that it will move right over the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, etc...
4 systems.. don't forget Bonnie that went through just prior to Charley.

My family is in the Punta Gorda area still and I'm a tad bit concerned over this as all the hurricane activity has left them homeless and after Frances jobless since the groves my Grandmother works at was destroyed on both coasts.

I'm silently praying for a continued westward trend towards Texas as long as it wouldn't get there prior to Monday.. Gotta bring the Uhaul with the rest of my stuff down and that would SUCK to try to drive in feeder bands and tropical storm strength winds. I'll be totally moved in and settled Monday though so bring on the hurricane so I can chase it :)

Not sure it would even possible to get there that soon but then Ivan defies all explanation at this point..
I wish Ivan would make a turn away also.
Florida has had so much this year, and I have family near Orlando and also family in Puerto Rico.
I feel confident about sitting through a hurricane, but with all the damages they've had you can never tell.
My grandparent's house in Florida is about 30 years old, and my grandparents in PR are going through surgeries, which makes it even less easier on my grandmother there. Not as easy as someone like me whose young enough to jump at a second's notice.
But alot of the homes in PR are very sturdy, stone/brick and considering what El Junca has weathered and grows back is so amazing - but they may have had a huge amount of rainfall this year, I would think with all the systems that have skirted them so far.
I do wish the best of luck to any family members in those areas. It's not an easy ordeal.
Originally posted by Bridget Beddow
I wish Ivan would make a turn away also.
Florida has had so much this year, and I have family near Orlando and also family in Puerto Rico.
I feel confident about sitting through a hurricane, but with all the damages they've had you can never tell.
My grandparent's house in Florida is about 30 years old, and my grandparents in PR are going through surgeries, which makes it even less easier on my grandmother there. Not as easy as someone like me whose young enough to jump at a second's notice.
But alot of the homes in PR are very sturdy, stone/brick and considering what El Junca has weathered and grows back is so amazing - but they may have had a huge amount of rainfall this year, I would think with all the systems that have skirted them so far.
I do wish the best of luck to any family members in those areas. It's not an easy ordeal.
Also to note any of the homes that did weather Charley, Bonnie, and Frances have taken one hell of a beating lately.. the area is waterlogged, damaged and I fear anpther hurricane even a weak cat 3 or strong 2 storm could be catastrophic in some area's of Florida.

I really don't wish a cane on anyone except the chasers who want to observe it but its someone elses turn.. stay away from my family.
My family is in Sarasota, and have come through both storms nearly untouched (the only damage they received was from Frances, not Charlie...weird, huh), but this one looks to possibly head right for them. They have already booked hotel reservations for Sunday-Tuesday...Sunday to take into account manditory evacuations that always come in their area. She would much rather be out the cost of a nights hotel stay (if they had to cancel), than to have to stay in a shelter.
mrobinson wrote:
Also to note any of the homes that did weather Charley, Bonnie, and Frances have taken one hell of a beating lately.. the area is waterlogged, damaged and I fear anpther hurricane even a weak cat 3 or strong 2 storm could be catastrophic in some area's of Florida.

I really don't wish a cane on anyone except the chasers who want to observe it but its someone elses turn.. stay away from my family.

Absolutely 100% agree with everything you said.

Just the remenants alone from all of those systems have taken their toll on the western portion of NC just with the mudslides. And that's after they've downgraded mostly to less than/equal to a tropical depression.

And I would love anyday to have a hurricane up here, my friends know this and they don't take it to heart when I say I do, b/c they know I don't want anything bad to happen.
Jo'd oldest kiddo is about a half hour north of Panama City, so I'm not thrilled with the current path projection. But then again, I remember the last hurricane that entered the Gulf' and the projection on it as well, so who really knows what it will do.

I'll just be glad come November when I'll stop hearing about hurricanes for another half year :)
I was one of the few who selected Hurricane season as my favorite in the recent poll... that said.

As Balki might say, it's rediculous. My sis moved from FTW to Tampa earlier this year, and is seriously considering moving back. First the threat from Charley, where they evacuated to Orlando just to catch it heading right over them... and then Frances that passed right over their home in Valrico, though it was seriously diminished and there was not any significant damage.

If Charley, or now Ivan comes into Tampa Bay, their worksite near the water would be wiped out from surge, and she'd probably be headed back home. :eek:

My Grandparents are leaving tomorrow to ride Ivan out in Nebraska. After that latest advisory she's a total wreck with worry. I'm not sure she will go back to Florida until it starts snowing at this point.

She has a bad heart and all this stress is not doing good things for her health, I'm happy shes coming but Dear God make that thing go west.
It will be interesting to see how the seasonal rainfall totals add up if Ivan hits Florida.

Originally posted by Tim Vasquez
It will be interesting to see how the seasonal rainfall totals add up if Ivan hits Florida.


It was just a few years ago that Florida was in the midst of a major drought with the Everglades burning.

It is always interesting to watch nature balance herself out and go from drought to flood. That is how we get "averages" :roll:
Landfalling hurricanes have a huge effect on whether or not Florida is in a drought. Big drought years often occur when Florida hasn't been hit a by a hurricane.
My best friend leaves tomorrow afternoon with her Uhaul to join her husband in Miami. Because of what happened with Frances she is blowing this whole thing off. She won't drive at night so she is not expected to get into Miami until Sunday or Monday... at that point her fuel options in Florida will be next to nothing and she will be running into feeder bands and likely mandatory curfews if not the full brunt force of the cane. I wish she would listen to me and wait until Sunday to leave. :(