Quality lens advice needed

Nov 19, 2004
I'm thinking about upgrading to the Canon 20D from the Nikon D70, depending on what the accountant says about the taxes! I know the differences in lens manufacturers for the Nikon but don't know much about who produces quality lenses for Canon. Suggestions? Thanks.
I suggest regularly checking out the Canon SLR Lens forum at http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/forum.asp?forum=1029 ... If you poke around there, you'll notice quite a few posts about the best all-around / walk-around lenses. I personally went with the Sigma 24-70mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro lens, about which I have heard excellent reviews. It kind of depends upon how much you are willing to spend. Canon lenses tends to be quite good all-around (especially the L series), while Sigma and Tamron tend to have varying quality (from poor to excellent) but oftentimes at a considerably reduced price.
Canon has always had very good lenses in their L series stuff. Hence the price. Of course the same third-party companies that produce off brand Lens for Nikon mounts also do the same for Canon mount as well.

So if you're using a Sigma Lens on your D70, You will get essentially the same performance from one built on a Canon mount. More likely, the camera will actually make the difference rather than the lens in this case.

It's not very often that you see someone jumping ship from one brand to another given the expenses incurred in quality photographic equipment. Care to give the reason? I would think that once you've invested in a system, you would generally stay put. I've used Nikon equipment before and though it was alright, other than some minor set up differences, I didn't see a reason that would compel me to change from Canon.

I'm curious. :D
:?: I don't see how the D20 is so superior to the Nikon that I'd dump all my old equipment to upgrade.
What's the draw?

The old Tokina ATX lenses were often pretty darned good.
Personaly, I'd pass on the Sigma stuff. Maybe they've changed their ways, but their early 90's offerings 'featured' erratic optical and downright dubious mechanical quality. (Of course my opinion is over 10 years out of date.)

There are a few good sigma lenses out there, but there are major QC issues with them. If you get a good copy, awesome.... but the bad ones are really bad! Ask Snyder about it.... I think he has sent 2 copies of a Sigma zoom back already.

Jumping ship

I'm not quite ready to jump ship from Nikon yet and am definitely waiting to see if Nikon catches up to Canon. I actually love the D70 and have had a number of encounters with Canon equipment and enthusiasts, including those at some photo workshops I've been taking, and am seeing some of the benefits of the 20D, such as the 100 ISO, the continuous drive, and the 1/8000 shutter speed, for example, that the D70 just doesn't have. So, I'm waiting, thinking, comparing, and hoping the tax man gives me a little leeway to choose instead of dream!
Personally i wouldn't switch systems based on a comparison of the D70 and 20D, because whatever miniscule differences there are between the two aren't worth the hassle of switching lenses, flashes, sync cords, qr plates etc. and besides, things are bound to change anyway on a yearly basis with new models coming out.

For what it's worth, I shoot a 10D now and have no desire to trade up to a 20D, the real-world increase in resolution is minimal and Canon still has some issues with the autofocus performance in their non 1-series cameras.

I started out shooting Nikon but switched to Canon for no other reason than at the time Nikon had nothing to compare to the D30 and the long telephoto IS primes for wildlife and I needed to go digital for newspaper photojournalism. I have been exceedingly pleased with Canon, but I think the decision to switch kind of depends on what you want to do with the equipment.
These are just my opinions, but a lot of phtographers will tell you the same thing, although I love the L series zooms and telephotos (I have an exceedingly sharp copy of the 70-200 2.8 IS that is prime sharp wide open all the way through the range) I have always preferred Nikon's wide-angle lenses. Don't get me wrong, I have a canon 17-40 and love it, but I've also gone through several wide-angle Canon primes that just didn't quite measure up (In my mind) to the Nikon stuff i used to shoot.

I guess it depends on what you want to do with it. I still shoot a lot of low-light stuff and wildife so the IS is still a major deciding factor for me, but in the past couple years I've really gotten into storm photography and I miss those Nikon primes.
I also shoot a lot of wildlife and nature photography as well as storm photography. I may end up borrowing a Canon to check it out. Thanks.
I have the D70 (bought from Tim Samaras), and I love it to death. I would seriously reconsider lateralling to the Canon when you already have an incredible piece of equipment. Nikon lenses are top-notch, and as a matter of fact, I'm going to put my tax return money towards the Nikkor 12-24mm ultra wide angle zoom. The reviews I've read are incredible and I can't wait to mount this puppy on the D70 for kansas landscape and stormscapes.

-Mike U