PYKL3 Radar version 2.6 has been released

Dec 12, 2010
On the Llano Estacado in West Texas
Hi all,
I'd like to pass along that PYKL3Radar 2.6 has been released to Google Play and Amazon App store. If you don't see this version in the markets now, it should be there within a few hours as it takes a while to propagate through their networks.

Here are some of the enhancements in 2.6

* 8 Bit storm relative motion
* New table to display all active warnings
* New table to display recent storm reports
* New link to display most actively selected site
* Text products may now be shared with others.
* Loop length now selectable up to 24 frames (may be limited by provider inventory)
* User interface now scales properly on ultra high density devices
* Notification icon now returns user to program
* User may now select color for on screen text overlay (VCP, etc)
* Added more font size selection options on map
* Map feature scaling adjustment (Icons/Metars)
* User may now select length of time a storm report is active on map
* Added option to allow user to force looping on startup
* Added option to remove radar favorites with long press
* Long press radar select now centers map on press point with new selected RDA
* New tap data display plus ability to disable
* Various UI refinements
* Enhanced program stability and reliability
* Added adjustment to fine tune map panning
* Added French localization

If you have any questions whatsoever, please contact us at [email protected]

Thank you for your time,
Author, PYKL3Radar