Post your favorite chase picture from Spring 2005

Mar 18, 2004
Lawrence, KS
Here is my personal favorite from this past spring. Post your own favorite chasing photo from 2005 in this thread. Please keep it to one photograph per person.


The eddies around the striation of this storm on June 7 in SD were the coolest feature I saw in 2005. This was just off Interstate 90 near Murdo.

Why? Cause their expressions sum up the entire season! :lol:


But seriously, this is my best image of the 2005 season, taken the same day as the one above (May 18, 2005 - Eastern Kansas)... without a doubt, the best lightning shot I've taken so far and likely will remain in the top for the rest of my career...
From the "fine art" gallery... Taken May 8th west of Hesston, KS (sky desaturated to monochrome).

<img src=>

Mike U
I had a hard time choosing between several. This had to be one of my best years as far as PHOTOGENIC tornadoes goes.

I think the one in my avatar won out by a nose, because it sums up the great tornado season we had out here on the south plains this year.

This was the raw image I took of a near tornado and collard wall cloud 20th May in SD. This image was pay back for blowing off a non event in Oklahoma the day before and the long drive north. I was the best image for me in 2005 because there were simply no other chaser about - fantastic to see the storm over over ground with out the chaser crowd. For me the best image of 2005 - over and above my tornado images.

Lines is what you get when you get impatient and want it done in one hour and put on CD at Wally World (Walmart). But I'm sure if I reprinted it, it will look great. So untill then heres one of my most favorite still shots from the year.


After editing many times to get the correct address for the image i noticed i did not say when this was taken.

It was taken May 13th in Texas.