Photos taken without permission

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Andrew, they are NOT from different cameras. Look at the phone lines. EXACTLY the same angles, EXACTLY the same features in exactly the same spots with the exact same tornado at the same location. The only way Billy could get this shot JUST LIKE Darin is if Billy was in Darin's body.

Just when I thought it couldnt get any more interesting I read Billy's response.
Originally posted by Sheila_Ward
Billy, Can you explain the 2 photo's you have listed under March 21, Seminole OK, that were taken in Texas???

Sorry, but you must've been sitting in all these other chasers laps when you took these photos.

not to mention, the second picture from March 21st, 2005 is from NW MO May 25th, 2004.
Wow this guy has the nerve to come back on and reply after all the evidence has been looked at and compared. I can't believe he came on and posted a complete lie..As Jeff stated both pictures compared of the tornado are in the exact spot as each other...geez I can't believe this guy
Unbelieveable...just unbelieveable. All of the hard core evidence is sitting in front of him, but still he wants to lie about it. Unreal..I'll leave it at that.
I can't believe the response that Billy entered on this post.

If you even look at the resolutions of all pictures on Billy's site, all widths are 448 pixels on June 12 pictures, but the heights of all pictures are varied, from 284 to over 300 pixels, showing obvious cropping, and the impossibility of the all the pictures being taken from the same camera.

Believe me Billy, if you ever took any of my pictures, you will be in court.
Moderator Intervention:
Due to recent posts (vulgar personal attacks), this thread is now locked.

Stormtrack does not condone copyright violation. If you feel your photos have been stolen by the individual in this thread, we encourage you to take the matter into the hands of your lawyers.

Legal issues between two parties should not be discussed on ST.

Membership status of the accused member is under review.
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