If that's the case why is this thread here? I really am not trying to be rude because you could come talk to me on almost any day and I would be happy to chat unless theres a tornado warning or a tornado happening... but to criticize someone in one thread about not knowing what they are saying and saying it's inexcusable and then creating a thread about not knowing what YOU are seeing is certainly a unique route to take...
Did you not read the whole thread?
Did the girl in the other thread ask any questions before posting something that she was over-excited about? I would not expect her to keep to herself about things that she wasn't absolutely sure about if I couldn't do that myself.
Yes, I question what I am seeing sometimes, because I am calling in my reports directly to the NWS. I am out there on behalf of the NWS. I don't want to make the mistake of reporting something wrong. I was one of two NWS spotters out there on that storm...and the other spotter (who is more experienced than I am) was farther north-west of my location, so I couldn't ask him about it.
I had to teach myself for the first 7 years. I had to do it by reading books, watching youtube, and examining every cloud that came along. I didn't have the benefit of a college education, so I had to do it from scratch. Over the past two years, I have been to multiple spotter classes, conferences, picked the brain of every spotter I could find, read these forums like crazy, and gone out to chase every little storm that came along, in order to educate myself about it. Our ARES group requires that spotters "shadow" other spotters before going out on their own in the first place, but there weren't enough spotters then, and there aren't now.
I know what I'm looking at...the issue I had here was what did everyone else see that I did not see. This storm had already produced a couple of tornadoes, and was warned. All I wanted was for someone to point their finger.
This is not a thread about me not knowing anything and needing help, and not getting it. This is a thread about asking a question and being treated like a nerd who dared to speak to the head cheer leader. I am not the only one who has encountered this issue, I'm just the only one that I know of who is willing to speak out and show aggravation about it.
Just like Joe just stated, it hurts no one to be helpful and not disrespectful to others.