Other types of chasing

Chasing.....continued................When you are a media chaser, you chase 12 months a year sometimes.....rain ..sleet snow....drylines....coldfronts...tornadoes ect........on the off season, or on my own time I chase the perfect snap shot, mostly mother nature stuff. I chase deer in the fall...mostly with a bow, sometimes a camera. I tried volcano chasing in Hawaii....Boring....darn thing never would blow.....Im an opportunist though...love eclipses, spontaneous random acts in life....I stay busy. At 50 years old, I think im as busy as I was at 25.
Wildires. Scary monsters and much more dangerous to chase than supes.
When you are a media chaser, you chase 12 months a year sometimes.....rain ..sleet snow....drylines....coldfronts...tornadoes ect........on the off season, or on .

Man, you can say that again. Chasing for the media never gets boring for me. I remember the spring of 06 when I chased wildfires here in the TX Panhandle. Like you said, tornadoes, wildfires, snowstorms, fronts and anything in between can get chased when chasing for the media. It all has to do with this...which station has the most interesting video on a particular day.