Other types of chasing


Dec 10, 2003
So. Cal.
This came up in another thread, but I was curious as to other types of chasing you have done.

The other types of chasing I would like to do, and will do when the kids are out and on their own:

- Volcano chasing - I would love to see a significant eruption
- Large Tidal bores
- Glacers falling into the ocean
- Full solar eclipse chasing (cool vids on Youtube on this one by the way)

How about you? Have you done any of these, plan on it someday? Other types of chaing?
I train-chase, and go looking for oil wells (not much of a challenge in OK/KS/TX, but more of one in MO/NE :) )

I've done the volcano thing (and will again) and also do airliner-spotting.
Train chase. An especially good road is Kansas 177 in Butler and Chase Counties immediately along the BNSF tracks.
I have chased lake effect snow squalls in Michigan...even have done it on a snowmobile. It is a rather amazing experience to ride North/South on a trial through a West wind parallel snowband...the roll convection can be extremely narrow and intense looking like normal convective storm dumping many fluffy inches of snow in an area only a mile wide. The intense vertical motion often creates strips of blue sky on either side of the band creating breathtaking views of cloud formations.
Train chasing would be good here, although my trains to London from Reading do 125mph, so it's best not to (and there are no roads paralleling the line!).

I like to chase the Severn Bore here in England - I also have chased snow showers before.
Once again, I can't believe it's not one of the first said

Come on guys.....especially for the single ones.....we all like to chase women. Sometimes (like supercells) they like to chase us.

But seriously, I also to the "chase" thing with trains (CSX here in the mid-atlantic). I friend is the real enthusiast, but I like to catch them with him.

I also like to go geocaching, which is like chasing, but there's a fixed target...so maybe it doesn't qualify.

Waterspouts and Hurricanes are obvious too. I do also chase good snow storms. Again, really not that an exciting one, but I do travel for the storms.

I haven't done it yet, but I'd like to go on a safari and chase some big game. Lots of good photo/video opportunities there.
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Good day all,

Cute Asian chicks ... Allright, just had to throw that in!

Here is a few other "chases" I've done...


1). Giant breaking ocean swells from aboard a sea-doo watercraft (Late October 1991 in FL)!


2). Lake effect snow squalls (Winter 2008 in Michigan).


3). Brush fires (Spring 2004 in South FL).


4). Volcano chasing - Tried it a bit, but not much into it (Hawaii back in 1994, would like to see more of it)!