Oregon Scientific software

Dan Robinson

I've got an Oregon Scientific weather station that I'd like to hook up to the computer with a data cable. The problem is, I can't find the cable and software package anywhere. All of the sites that sell the stations say the cable and software aren't included, yet don't have it for sale anywhere.

Where do you get the software and cable?
I've got an Oregon Scientific weather station that I'd like to hook up to the computer with a data cable. The problem is, I can't find the cable and software package anywhere. All of the sites that sell the stations say the cable and software aren't included, yet don't have it for sale anywhere.

Where do you get the software and cable?

Hey Dan, you can get the cable for your Oregon Scientific weather staion here: http://www.ambientweather.com/pccoac.html,
and the Virtual Weather Station software here: http://www.ambientweather.com/software.html. The software works with almost every electronic station, including Oregon Scientific.

I've got an Oregon Scientific weather station that I'd like to hook up to the computer with a data cable.

Not sure what model you have there Dan, but the model I had simply used a standard RS232 cable I bought at Rat Shack. Is there an unusual connector on the unit, or the standard 9-pin serial "D-Sub" one?

Like John mentioned, the unit is supported by the ambient software package, along with a whole host of other programs out there (some of them free!). The original software that used to be included with the units was pretty hokey.. I think they may have given up on including it.
You're right - turns out the RS232 is a standard serial cable rather than a proprietary one for this unit. Just assumed it was a special cable that OS sold. I actually already have one in the basement in the old computer parts box! So that problem's solved.

All I need now is an app that can take the raw data and at the very least write it to a text file. I can use an auto-FTP program and Perl script to make it web presentable. Nothing fancy. Some of those software packs are running over $100 to do that - ouch! I found some of those free ones you're referring to and will have to download and try those out. If I can find one with a web template for the data, I can skip any server scripting.

Thanks for the help! :)
I use Virtual Weather Station and have since verison 1 . great program keeps txt records and makes noaa monthly and yearly reports. The internet verison sends station info to ftp and allows you to set and forget it. I also use OS equipment includeing wire and wireless stations and the work great. I have a 918 wired unit I have been useing since 1998.