Ophelia's Staggering Rainfall Totals

Aug 16, 2005
Albany, New York
Now that Ophelia is on the move after several days of being stalled over the same area, I thought it would be neat to see how much rain had fallen. Surprisingly, the Storm Total Precipitation from MLB has a maximum of not 10", not 20", not 30", but 34.3"!!! Wow. Very impressive.

EDIT: Make that 38.1" now that the rain is finally over.
Wow! Was that over land or sea?

Not to diminish that, but last week Typhoon 14 dropped 1317 mm of rain in Miyazaki, Japan. That's almost 52" for you metrically challenged folks (like me) out there.
That was over the Ocean, east of West Palm Beach. It was over the Gulf Stream to be more specific...which enhanced the rainfall.

Imagine if she stalled inland another 40 miles...say over West Palm Beach itself?!? :cry: