Online Training


Mar 1, 2004
Lansing, MI
It seems like there's been a big increase in people using good radar software, weather plotting, etc -- but I notice some aren't using those tools to their full ability. After seeing more and more questions that a quick walkthrough could answer, I've started putting together some "online training" opportunities. The initial breakdown is as follows:

GR (overviews of the software itself using case study data)
  • Basic GR3
  • Basic GR2/GR2AE
  • Advanced GR2AE
Radar (Fundamental use of radar along with case studies using GR3/GR2AE)
  • Basic Radar Interpretation
  • Velocity Interpretation
  • ET/VIL/MEHS/etc Interpretation
  • Advanced Radar Interpretion
Maps (What to look for on basic weather plots)
  • Basic map analysis
  • Basic soundings
  • Advanced soundings
Satellite (concentrating on sevwx nowcasting)
  • Basic satellite
  • Advanced satellite
  • GREarth
[I'm not sure about a full "forecast" training set - that's going to involve a lot of planning regarding materials, time commitment from attendees since you can't do it in a 30-min session, etc. But if demand is there it could be an option?]

It will be presented as an interactive webinar format. I'll share my screen with the attendees, and either send my voice over the feed and set up a text chatroom - or just have a full conference call. I may record them as well for those who can't attend. Each session will be about 30-45 minutes depending on how much interaction is desired, and I'll try to scatter them across the week at various times of days/nights/weekends. Obviously not every opportunity would be available every week. Cost would be only $25 per session for the basic, maybe a little more when we get into the advanced.

Another option is using "safe" remote access software like TeamViewer or something else for those who want 1-on-1 training or just would like a little help fine-tuning their installs.

In order to test out the streaming provider that I've come to like so far, I'll offer up the ET/VIL/etc presentation for free to 10 users (that's the limit while I'm running the trial.) I'll try to do it twice next week. If anyone is interested in that, or wants to be on the list when the full suite starts rolling out in January, drop me a line. I'll have a website with more details coming up around Christmas too.

[email protected]

- Rob
Very nice, Rob! This ought to be a real boon to newbies in particular, though I think your knowledge ought to benefit even more experienced chasers. Sign me up for your freebie on ET/VIL/etc.
I'd be interested for the free session (and possibly the other sessions as well), if there is still room :)
Definitely put me down Rob, this sounds excellent for us newbies especially! I've always wanted to learn more about radar and what I'm missing out on with GR3, always felt like I'm not getting the most out of it but I've been learning. The weather plotting is very interesting as well, I have no knowledge of that at all so it may be over my head but I'm interested. This is a great idea!
I forgot that I'm going to Alabama next week so that's out, then we have Christmas, so I'm shooting for sometime the last week of the month for the free test. If you have NOT emailed me directly, please do so as I won't be posting the link on the forum for that class.
Online training huh? This sounds interesting. While I am obviously too late to get in on the early testing, I would be very much interested in the main effort.
I must have missed this thread the first time around, but I'd love to participate in something like this! I'm under the impression that there is always something to learn, and I know I'm probably not using my GRL3 to it's fullest abilities!

Please let me know when you are doing another session! :)
Unfortunately the streaming system I had been using (DimDim) was bought out. I'm on the hunt for a reliable system (not too expensive) that will allow me to do all I want, so things haven't progressed as fast as I had hoped.