Next week is big in this battle. The OK House is not in session today (Wed 3/19) thru Friday 3/21. It will not resume until Monday 3/24. Per House rules (adopted 1/7/2025 in HR1003), a bill must have it's third reading by Thur 3/27. HB 2426 has had 2 readings. That means the third reading (typically when the bill gets debated, can be amended, and a vote would take place) would have to happen in the first 4 days of next week. Their are 104 items currently on the floor agenda. That is a lot to do in 4 days. The key at this point may be keeping it off the Daily Floor Activity Calendar ( which is controlled by the Majority Floor Leader. Which means the pressure likely needs to focus on these folks:
- Floor Leader: Rep. Josh West, R-Grove
- Deputy Floor Leader: Rep. John Pfeiffer, R-Mulhall
- Deputy Floor Leader: Rep. Steve Bashore, R-Miami
On Tuesday 3/18 they only had 5 items on the floor activity calendar. If we can convince them that this bill is dangerous, wasn't reviewed by the right committee (it should have been sent to public safety), special interest, and not as important as other bills - then I think we stand a chance. They key is to get folks who live and vote in OK to do this. They key is not only letter, emails, and calls - but in person visits to their office.
I should note that I have not read up on the laws/rules regarding the OK legislature suspending their rules.
As a side note, the flow chart at
Legislative Resources | OkACTE gives excellent insight into the flow of bills in OK. It points out that a bill in the OK House requires 51 votes for final passage; however, it requires 68 if it has the "emergency" clause. This means Rep Fetgatter didn't have the votes to pass it with the emergency clause. It would be interesting to know whose votes he didn't have, because they might be our best advocate now.